Supplement Clarification


May 7, 2014
Tinnitus Since
In regard to your recent post about not taking supplements.

I just need a clarification.

I am not taking any supplements on my on accord. However, I was advised by my ENT to take Lipoflavinoid for the health of my inner ear.

My general practitioner found that I am low in vitamin D and magnesium. She is recommending that I take a supplement of both. She also recommends that I take fish oil when my cholesterol is higher than normal.

Also, what about a daily multivitamin?

My thinking is that your post was to dissuade folks on this forum to not take supplements without first discussing with a doctor, correct? Or, were you meaning all supplements entirely.

Thanks for your help in this matter.
I am not taking any supplements on my on accord. However, I was advised by my ENT to take Lipoflavinoid for the health of my inner ear.

Then I would follow the advice of your ENT, whom I presume will point you to a source for the supplement that he or she knows is 100% safe and free from impurities. (By the way, you might ask your ENT to point you to a single reliable and verifiable controlled study attesting to the pharmacological efficacy of lipoflavinoids in promoting inner ear health. I have yet to find one.)

My general practitioner found that I am low in vitamin D and magnesium. She is recommending that I take a supplement of both.

She wants you to bring your levels up to normal. That's a different matter. The only issue there is to find a source that is safe and free from impurities.

She also recommends that I take fish oil when my cholesterol is higher than normal.

I have no opinion. If your doctor recommended it, I think you should probably follow her recommendations.

Also, what about a daily multivitamin?

I would not take any vitamins at all unless I had a documented clinically significant deficiency. And then I'd target the deficiency. I would not take a daily multivitamin. My wife and I did so for years, and we both stopped after researching the matter and discussing it with our doctors.

My thinking is that your post was to dissuade folks on this forum to not take supplements without first discussing with a doctor, correct?

I think that whatever your own doctor tells you should carry far far more weight than anything I might say.

Dr. Stephen Nagler

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