In regard to your recent post about not taking supplements.
I just need a clarification.
I am not taking any supplements on my on accord. However, I was advised by my ENT to take Lipoflavinoid for the health of my inner ear.
My general practitioner found that I am low in vitamin D and magnesium. She is recommending that I take a supplement of both. She also recommends that I take fish oil when my cholesterol is higher than normal.
Also, what about a daily multivitamin?
My thinking is that your post was to dissuade folks on this forum to not take supplements without first discussing with a doctor, correct? Or, were you meaning all supplements entirely.
Thanks for your help in this matter.
I just need a clarification.
I am not taking any supplements on my on accord. However, I was advised by my ENT to take Lipoflavinoid for the health of my inner ear.
My general practitioner found that I am low in vitamin D and magnesium. She is recommending that I take a supplement of both. She also recommends that I take fish oil when my cholesterol is higher than normal.
Also, what about a daily multivitamin?
My thinking is that your post was to dissuade folks on this forum to not take supplements without first discussing with a doctor, correct? Or, were you meaning all supplements entirely.
Thanks for your help in this matter.