The Efficacy of Incobotulinum Toxin A Injections for Treatment of Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Research News' started by Nick47, May 22, 2024.

    1. Nick47

      Nick47 Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      This is a current Phase 2 study in the USA, looking to recruit participants.
      The Efficacy of Incobotulinum Toxin A Injections for Treatment of Tinnitus: a Randomized Controlled Trial |
      • Informative Informative x 6
    2. AverageJoe12

      AverageJoe12 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Night club in Feb ‘23, MRI in Feb '24, drummer since age 15
      Thanks for sharing this, @Nick47. I had to drop from the Lidocaine study at Mass Eye and Ear due to the extensive MRI use, but this one seems much more plausible. If it's not longitudinal and I could fly in and fly out, that would be great. It's just comparing "pre-injection baseline to 4-6 weeks post-injection," which leads me to believe that follow-up can potentially be virtual. I'll find out.

      At a minimum, I'll ask them to fix their study design section. I only read this because I secretly hoped there was no placebo group (fat chance): "Individuals with symptoms of 'tetanus' will receive three serial injections of incobotulinum toxin A into the auricular muscles."
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    3. AUTHOR

      Nick47 Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      At least one small study in 2005 showed ~1/3rd of participants responded to this treatment, hence a larger study.

      A couple of chronic 10-year cases had their tinnitus ABOLISHED, according to this publication.
      • Informative Informative x 2
    4. Muggumbo

      Muggumbo Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Concert/Acoustic Trauma
      Some of my quietest tinnitus days are when I have a migraine. It's interesting to see that there are some ties between the two.
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    5. AverageJoe12

      AverageJoe12 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Night club in Feb ‘23, MRI in Feb '24, drummer since age 15
      They’re 100% related to me. Hyperacusis, tinnitus, floaters, light sensitivity, eye pain, and blue field entoptic phenomenon all emerged simultaneously.
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    6. CGB

      CGB Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I believe it's easy to jump to conclusions without scientific evidence. There are many causes of tinnitus. For example, when the hair cells and inner ear are damaged by loud sounds or medication, it can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus. Some have suggested using Botox to treat tinnitus, but I don't see how paralyzing muscles would help unless it's related to the jaw or cranial nerves. However, this would only be effective if tinnitus is caused by something other than the loss of hair cells.

      I don't want to discourage anyone, but the medical industry often does more harm than good. I'm concerned that the focus on financial gain might lead to the approval of treatments that offer little more than temporary relief. The ability to profit from repeatedly injecting a toxic substance, with no guarantee of effectiveness, is troubling. This is the kind of thing the FDA might approve due to financial interests, and it may not represent a genuine cure. It seems that the medical industry doesn't value cures.

      It's widely known that hair cells can be regenerated in mammals, but I suspect there may be a connection to cancer and cancer cells. This technique could potentially prevent cancer, which might not be well-received by the medical industry.

      Another example is the obesity epidemic. In the 1970s, only 3% of the American population was obese. Today, it's around 50%. The leaders of the medical industry may see treating the complications of obesity as a lucrative opportunity. Nearly 40% of healthcare revenue is now linked to treating obesity-related issues. A 100% effective treatment for obesity would cost the medical industry trillions. So, if a treatment for tinnitus is marginally effective, the FDA might approve it for management, not as a cure. I've researched extensively to find a cure for my tinnitus, and it's been one disappointment after another. The medical industry's lack of innovation restricts doctors from exploring new approaches. Today's medical system seems to prioritize profits over the Hippocratic oath, which originally emphasized doing no harm.

      I advise being skeptical of any claims, especially those in the news. Promises often fall short. Universities may pursue research grants and publicity, prioritizing financial gain. In a country spending 20% of its GDP on healthcare, but with poor healthcare outcomes and high rates of iatrogenic deaths, it's essential to approach news claims with caution.

      Even if a cure or successful treatment were developed, ethical doctors may not inform their patients promptly. The focus on managing suffering for profit seems to override the desire to cure patients. This reality should be challenged.
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