This Just Got Real — New to Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Czechmate, May 29, 2013.

    1. Czechmate

      Czechmate Member

      Charlotte, NC
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello All!

      I'm new to the forum and wanted to give a little information around my journey with Tinnitus (so far). I've been struggling with ear infections over the last year, and have been to a number of doctors (including ENTs) for treatment. Many different anti-biotics have been used, and all seems to be fine in that arena. Around October of 2012, my primary doctor cleaned my right ear out (with a Waterpik), as we thought that impacted wax was also an issue. The ringing started around that time (looking back, that procedure probably did more harm than good). I also suffer from TMJ, and have been undergoing treatment to move my lower jaw forward.

      It's been 7 months and I continue to have ringing in my right ear, along with crackling and a full sensation from time to time. I went to a different ENT yesterday and was told that I have eczema of the outer ears. This has created a lot of skin build-up in the ear (and even caused my right ear to be impacted with wax). I prayed that the Tinnitus would go away after he removed the impacted wax very carefully, but, it remains. I've been prescribed a type of steroid oil (Fluocinolone Acetonide Oil) to help with the eczema, and my right ear does not feel as stuffy as it did prior to the impact removal. I've tried a number of different holistic approaches to dim the Tinnitus (over the past 7 months, but nothing seems to work).

      However, I remain frustrated over the ringing and hate to think that I'm going to be stuck with this for life. I'm wondering if anyone else has had Tinnitus come about after an ear cleaning (with a Waterpik), or from impacted wax or TMJ? If so, did you notice any improvement to the Tinnitus after the impacted wax was removed or through TMJ therapy? Let me know and thanks for listening...This looks like a very helpful forum!
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    2. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
    3. AUTHOR

      Czechmate Member

      Charlotte, NC
      Tinnitus Since:
      I've tried Ginkgo Biloba, Zinc, Vitamin B12 and higher levels of Magnesium/Calcium. However, they provided no change in my Tinnitus. Markku, I checked out the study that you linked in your post, and it shows that the ear cleaning process can cause Tinnitus. Have you seen any information / timeframes around Tinnitus improving after this type of onset?

      Also, are you able to recommend treatment based on this Tinnitus cause (what has worked for you), or point me in the right direction within the forum?

      Many thanks for the assistance!
    4. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I'm not aware of any longitudinal studies on tinnitus caused by ear syringing.

      Usually tinnitus is considered chronic after 12 months, and I think after that time has passed the chances of tinnitus spontaneously improving considerably lessen. I wouldn't expect tinnitus caused by syringing be any different from tinnitus caused by acoustic trauma in this respect.

      Unfortunately, I think folks like you and me are stuck in the same bucket as most tinnitus sufferers, there's really not many treatments available at all.


      It's mostly the habituation that will improve the quality of life. Until better solutions surface...

      Have you had an audiogram (hearing test)? Is your hearing normal?
    5. AUTHOR

      Czechmate Member

      Charlotte, NC
      Tinnitus Since:
      I have had a couple of audiograms and my hearing is fine. No issues in that department. Thankfully! Markku, since we seem to be in the same boat, can you recommend treatments (whether holistic or not) that have helped decrease your T intensity?

      Thanks again as it's nice to know I'm not alone...What a wicked condition though!
    6. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sadly, nothing's helped me.

      The only "healer" has been time. It's now been 3 years of constant tinnitus.

      The first year was the toughest, and now it's much easier. At one point I thought the loudness of my tinnitus had decreased, but eventually it was only for a short duration. Maybe psychological, who knows. For me, it's more or less the same type of noise & loudness as it's always been. Nonetheless, coping is easier now, and I don't dread it most days. When I keep myself busy, it doesn't bother much. There are much worse days, but they are nowadays few and far between

      A wicked condition indeed. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? Here's hoping an effective treatment comes in our lifetimes. While I consider myself (at least semi-) habituated, I still can't wait to really get rid of the noise.
    7. AUTHOR

      Czechmate Member

      Charlotte, NC
      Tinnitus Since:
      Sorry to hear Markku! But, glad that you've gotten to a point where the worst days are few and far between. Hoping that I get there as well. I'm 37, and you look pretty young yourself, so I hold out hope and pray that a real cure comes. It is hard to believe that there are SO many people affected by T, yet no real solution in this day and age. Ugh!

      Keep fighting the good fight and thanks for your insight!
    8. Frank23

      Frank23 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Czechmate, I just saw this thread from a couple of months ago. In case you're still monitoring it I wanted to reply, as some of my suspected tinnitus causes (cerumen buildup, TMJ) are similar to yours. (However, the last few years have taught me that everyone is different, so you don't really know what might help until you try it.)

      I have very dry/hard earwax, the buildup of which appears to worsen my tinnitus. Various ENT's have suggested using a few drops of oil in each ear (mineral oil, olive oil, etc) to keep it down. In my case I may need to apply it a couple of times a day to keep cerumen from forming and affecting tinnitus.

      I also found after much experimentation that sleeping with my head elevated (either with a large triangular wedge pillow, or a pile of pillows) -- and on my side, so that the affected ear is facing downward -- also seems to help. I suspect there's a buildup of cerumen or some material in the ear that affects the tinnitus, but sleeping this way minimizes it.

      I've had mild tinnitus for much of my life, but it suddenly got really bad in 2009 after a trip that included a lot of swimming resulting in a major case of cerumen impaction. The steps above don't remove my tinnitus entirely, but minimize it so that I ignore it for the most part. I think though that in part my tinnitus is sensorineural -- in the nervous system, rather than due to a specific physical cause -- as I can get it to stop entirely for a few minutes (only!) using sounds from some of the tinnitus software programs out there.

      I hope this might give you more ideas that could help, and good luck working with it.
    9. GriffiN

      GriffiN Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Exact the same! I've never commented on tinnitus b4 just browsed forums but ur story is same as mine. Always had wax buildup. I got tinnitus when bout 18 in the bath! Very mild could only hear it at night in bed. Went swimming Jan 2013 did a lot of underwater swimming , woke up the next day to loud ringing :( I was so gutted. I'm 31 and its been the same ever since. Also I had worked out that raising my head sleeping helps too! Its worst in morning and right ear is slighter louder than left its a nightmare
    10. AUTHOR

      Czechmate Member

      Charlotte, NC
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks for the replies Frank23 and GriffiN! Come to think of it my ENT doctor diagnosed me with eczema on the inside of my ears. It's much worse in my right ear (the one where the tinnitus lives). I never thought about the fact that this could be affecting / worsening my tinnitus. Going forward I will be more consistent with my treatment (ENT doctor prescribed me an oil to use) and also sleep with my head elevated. Thanks for the tips!

      Know that things do improve with time. I've had tinnitus for over 1.5 years now and seem to be habituating. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as it used to (thankfully). I'm just looking forward to the day that a true cure comes out and feel hopeful with some of the medication therapies in the pipeline (discussed in depth in other threads).

      I hope you all have a nice Memorial Day weekend!
    11. kaycee

      kaycee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      How is your t now any update
    12. AUTHOR

      Czechmate Member

      Charlotte, NC
      Tinnitus Since:
      I've had tinnitus now for over two years. Unfortunately, it hasn't gone away altogether. However, I feel that I've habituated rather well. I no longer hear the ringing unless I purposefully try to. Or, if things are super quiet, it becomes more noticeable. I've pretty much stopped taking the supplements, because I couldn't really tell a difference with them. kaycee, I understand that you are doubtful about improvement. But, hang in there and know that things will get better. I still hope for a real treatment breakthrough in the future!

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