Tinnitus and Hurting Ears

Discussion in 'Support' started by RicoS, May 9, 2015.

    1. RicoS

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma

      Just checking if more people experience this.
      My T is sometimes loud and sometimes mild, but when I am in a silent room. For instance waiting at the doctors office (waitingroom) ...it is very silent and I can hear my T well, but my left ear realy start to hurt after a minute or so..... this will stay the rest of the day. My right ear also has T but does not hurt when I sit in a silent room. I have this from the onset of my T almost 2 years ago, but it does not seem to go away.
      Even my H went down a bit , but my left ears hurts like hell when I just sit in a silent room for a moment.
      When I go to sleep and sleep on my left ear I can hear my T but strangely it does not hurt.
      Could it be because of the airpressure in some silent rooms.

      T would be more manageable if this did not hurt so much and reminds me the rest of the day of it (my ear feels full the rest of the day and hurts a bit, the day after it is gone and I try not to sit in a silent room after that of course but sometimes you have no choice).
      Am I the only one with this? :dunno:
    2. kmohoruk

      kmohoruk Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Noise, Ear Infection, TMJ
      Hmmmm, out of curiosity do you have any sort of TMJ, or jaw issues?
    3. AUTHOR

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      Not that I know of.... my T was noise or/and stress induced. I had this from the onset of my T and thought everybody has it. A friend of mine also tells me his ear feels warm when he is to long in a silent room. But today I was in a silent room again (so realy no background noise at all otherwise I only have T) and it happend again...after 5 minutes or so my left ear begin to feel warm and full. When I leave the room to a room with background noise my T moves to the background but that warm and full feeling lasts for a couple of hours or so.

      The weirdest thing is that when I plug my ears with my fingers...I hear my T at it loudest but than my ear does not get warm and I do not get that full feeling. (n)
    4. Martin69

      Martin69 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      (Health) Anxiety
      Sure it is not anxiety or stress-related or your full concentration on T/ears?
      I have problems sitting in silent rooms without any (partly) masking sound.
      My tension goes up, my stress levels go up, my face gets little bit more red (tension).

      I can definitely say that my T comes from the brain. But psychologically, it has all kind of effects.
      I prefer being outside the whole day as much as possible.
      Before T I never ever thought about my ears. But with T we are hypersensitive to anything happening with your body. So maybe your ears are just normal, but you pay more attention to this - like we monitor the T sound all day long.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      No it's not that...because I do not stress about it what so ever. It's always the same......silent room.. left ear becomes warm..and start to hurt a bit.... I mean the inside of my ear...as if my inner ear is going on hypermode or something.
      It's so strange because my T can be almost non excistant if there is some background noise but in a silent room it is so damn loud it hurts my left ear.

      I think this slows my habituation again...because I can almost sit in a silent room and hear my T and get used to it...but if there is realy no background sound it's so damn loud that it hurts my ear....or perhaps my inner ear is going in max mode creating this sound which it not has to do..... :sour:

      Right now I'm in my room typing this. There is realy no sound only a small ventilator in the back of the room and I hardly can hear my T at the moment. But when I turn that off....my T explodes. The contrast of my T with the slidest sound and no sound is ridiculous.

      This is not anxiety I know that for a fact....because even when I could not care about my T anymore 7 months back...this stil occured. Only today I spoke with a friend about it and he has it also in a way, but my left ear realy hurts and has a burning feeling and feels full in a silentroom.

      I know that at the moment I monitor my T to much again...but that is just because it hurts. My H became way less the last 2 months but this is still some thing that when I think I have a good T day and end up in a silent room reminds me that T is here to stay and I have to sit the rest of the day or at least couple of hours with a warm full feeling ear. :arghh:
    6. Geo

      Geo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      i think it has to due with your H. i have very bad H and everytime i hear something that my ears perceive as loud they start burning and aching.. with headaches sometimes. or it can also be because youre paying too much attention to it especially when its very quiet, i had the same issue when it was mild, and now my t is far from mild its very loud. its a weird thing that happens i would tell myslef everytime why are they burning for no reason...
    7. AUTHOR

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      Yes perhaps the H plays a role in it but it is weird that my own T sound make my ears hurt. This morning I woke up and saw that my ventilator was off. No sound what so ever and my ear did not hurt when I lay in bed the whole time.
      It seems like in certain rooms where the pressure is different or something this always happens. As long as there is a window open this does not happen but in a room with no windows and no sound my ear start to hurts after a while.

      And yes I think I'm also to busy with T recently but that is because I got weird sounds in my right ear that are so extremely high that I almost cannot hear them but you feel them or something ....hard to explain...feels like little electric zaps through my right ear. Very annoying.....

      I just cannot get my finger on it what happens at the moment. I had 2 day of bad T and hurting ear...today seems okay. Last 2 days were very rainy ...now the sun shines and everything feel a lot better. So perhaps weather also plays a role in it.

      If I just had that single sound I could easly adjust to it but at the moment thing are so random it catches me offguard ... I just try to stay busy. I'm not depressed about it but more irritated some times.

      But still the hurting of my ear sucks big time and make me a little scared of sitting in a complete silent room with no windows.... and that is just the thing....my brain thinks it needs to be scared for these kind of rooms which make my T more on the foreground.

      I guess I just have to live with it. I do not want to go to an ENT for this because she/he will say everything is fine and there is nothing to see. But it is not some kind of phantom pain i'm feeling ...it realy hurts. But a useless appointment with an ENT just make me focus more on my T and I want to get it out of my system.

      I was very well habituated....but that is not a promis that you keep being habituated I guess. New sounds new challenges (the weird zaps in my right ear). Old pains...forgotten ...can be bothersome again. :meh:
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    8. Geo

      Geo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      @RicoS i know exactly what you mean man .. Its also psychological in a weird way not saying its that but its a mix.. I remember back then i must of had mild h because i always complained of sensitivity but my doctors said it was just the t shows how much they know.. I would be in my room silent and i would hear it sometimes and zone in and my ear will sound louder ans start getting warm also with H certain sounds will tick off ur ear and u wouldnt know it till its heating up and u feel the burning inside or. A headache.. But also because ur zoning into ur t way to much ur trying to find it but you have to accept its there and its always going to be but yes like u said new challenges thats my life so far frequent spikes headaches everyday from very bad h burning ears.. But dont trip man my condition is very uncommon you should be fine and lets hope ur h will fade away and relieve you... Do certain noises irritate ur t?
      • Like Like x 1
    9. AUTHOR

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      Thanks for your quick reply m8.... yes the zap in my right ear are triggert by sounds with a high frequency.
      My H is getting better I know that for a fact..so I do not worry to much about it. But these zaps in my right ear are bothersome...when I listen to a radio it is like some sound are triggering these zaps. It like a distortion in the sound I hear. A friend of mine has the same thing. It can be a bird or even the sound of my PC. A minute ago I turned off my PC and no zaps. I trun my PC back on and there it is again. The ventilator in my PC triggers it because there is some high frequency in it.

      Last night it was al gone. These zap can also be because I have a flew virus for 4 weeks already and it just won't go away completely so I'm coughing the whole day so I think this also contributes to the zaps.
      One thing is for sure....I focus to much on my T..... for the last 6 months i did not think about it at all....sure sometimes but not to much. But since the zap I keep looking for it...... I know it is stupid but you cannot stop it so easly.

      Sometimes I think I just imagine some zaps in my right ear just because i'm to focused on it.....like you want to hear it because you cannot believe it is gone. Good example of selftorture o_O

      I think people with severe T would swap my T and H within a second, but that does not mean that I feel as stressed and disturbed by it. I have hit rock bottom the last 2 years with T and a major depression and anxiety issues...so I try only to look forward and keep busy. Without the zaps and earpain I could live with my T ...no problem....but that is like loosing a leg and an arm and keep saying..I could live with the lost leg but I want my arm back.......
      It will not happen.... So I have to accept what the situation is now , but I was just wondering if I was the only one with these symptoms. That the hurting in my ear could be H is a good eye-opener..so thanks for that.... In another thread I saw that more people have those zaps or electric distortion in sound. It's irritating, but if I not focus to much on it I can tune it out. For me it is important that I can sleep and find some kind of rest ..... if it's by using to music or lie down at a certain place at home where I'm least bothered by it ..than that is ok....but I NEED a place where I know I can get my rest.

      But like I said the contrast of my T in a roomd with no sound and a room with a little sound is plain weird. My T can be so loud I realy think that is not possible that my own brain makes these noises and with a little sound my T can be almost near silent. (The zaps are still there though, but I feel them more than that it is a sound. I think it is at 13kHz or something).

      I know a lot of you struggle with severe T and I feel for you guys....when my T is extreme loud in a silent room I get the picture how that would be if you hear it over everything. Do I consider myself lucky...... no I do not.... because T and H is a struggle no matter how you look at it. I rather did not have it at all ..... I sure hope it does not get worse but there is nothing I can do to keep it under control.

      I have to stop typing now because I have to teach my MMA class at the gym. Thanks for the reply...it realy made me put some thing into place!:welcomesignanimation:
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