Tinnitus by Mosquito?

Discussion in 'Support' started by tinnitusmosquito, Jan 15, 2014.

    1. When I hear the sound of a mosquito that loiterers are chased away I stay still hear the tone for an hour. How can this be? You've also give cat deterrent that 130 decibels of volume (animal chaser) also sounds I can not resist. Does anyone have more information?
      This message was translated from Dutch.
      Wanneer ik het geluid van een Mosquito hoor waarmee hangjongeren worden weggejaagd blijf ik die toon nog wel een uurlang horen. Hoe kan dit? Je hebt ook katten verjager die 130 decibel aan volume geven (animalChaser) ook die geluiden kan ik niet weerstaan. Heeft iemand hierover meer informatie?



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      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. AUTHOR

      tinnitusmosquito Member

    3. Valentin

      Valentin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      teenagers have a wide imagination....
    4. michela

      michela Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      • Like Like x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      tinnitusmosquito Member

      Tomorrow (Thursday) I will write a list of problems that children have had with animal deterrents. Not the Mosquito, just cat deterrents. It will go to a report to the EU.

      I have several cases from England. Can you send me any more? If you send it in in Dutch it will be quicker for you - I can do my best to translate using Google.


      In Kent, a school child has to cover her ears every time she walks past a house that has a cat deterrent. She says she does not like the sound. Her mother cannot hear anything so does not know how loud the sound is or where it comes from. The cat deterrent is in a plant pot near the ground, so it is close to the young child's ears.

      In London, a 4 year old child was playing in front of a cat deterrent. Her parents had no idea that the 4 year old could hear it. The 12 year old came home and asked the parents why the cat deterrent made a noise, and this was when they realised that their 4 year old was playing in front of a loud noise that she could hear. They got rid of the cat deterrent.

      In London, children living next to bird deterrents had ear pain, tinnitus, nausea even vomited when the neighbours who installed the bird deterrents refused to turn them off.

      etc etc


      Dutch website: http://www.pieptonen.nl
    6. Stink

      Stink Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      i don't follow you. what has this to do with tinnitus??
    7. Kaelon

      Kaelon Member Benefactor

      Boston, Mass.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Muscle Spasms
      I think that @tinnitusmosquito is saying that animal repellant devices, including cat wards and bug zappers operating at 130 dB, are causing tinnitus-like symptoms in children that persist for at least an hour after exposure. In my view, this is less chronic tinnitus and more an acute response to over stimulation in the higher frequencies by very loud volumes.
    8. Stink

      Stink Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      ok that clears it. maybe if these children are near these repellant devices all day, they can get permanent tinnitus?
    9. Kaelon

      Kaelon Member Benefactor

      Boston, Mass.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Muscle Spasms
      I hope not! Maybe that's the danger, though, that if these devices are loud and if exposure is consistent, it can lead to hearing loss and, certainly, tinnitus.
    10. AUTHOR

      tinnitusmosquito Member

      The elderly in particular use a cat-deterrent in their garden. It is a small apparatus with a speaker attached to it. It produces a high-pitched bleep of more than a 100 decibel. The sound is mostly only audible for children, youngsters and people with ears that are still good. Many cat-deterrents use the same noise as the Mosquito. The sound causes pain in the ears, headache, and ringing in the ears. If you have any complaints consult your GP and make mention of it on social media!

      How is this possible? Have you got more information? Please tell me!

      Working Mosquito: 17KHz-20KHz 90dB (Kids be Gone, agianst loitering)
      Working Cat Deterrent/Animal Chaser: 16KHz-23KHz 130dB (against....?!)

      Dutch Newspaper: Mosquito: earache and headache.

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    11. JeffDamsko

      JeffDamsko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Wow 2008 article. Well this is not it for me, although i would hear that, can still hear up to 17kHz-ish at 44
    12. AUTHOR

      tinnitusmosquito Member

      2008 article. Correctly I have also recenter news but always the same story! They say the Mosquito sound is audible until 25 years old?!

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