Tinnitus in Left Ear Caused by Anxiety

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Jaume, Aug 9, 2024.

    1. Jaume

      Jaume Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      My name is Jaume, and I have been experiencing tinnitus for the past three months. It started one quiet night when I was struggling to sleep due to stress. Around 6 a.m., I began hearing a very loud buzzing sound in my left ear. Naturally, I panicked, feeling utterly hopeless and convinced that no one could help me. However, as time passed, my tinnitus gradually improved. All the professionals I consulted assured me that it was a psychological symptom triggered by stress—when I’m stressed, the tinnitus becomes more noticeable.

      There are times when it’s challenging to cope, and today has been especially difficult. On tough days, I sometimes feel hopeless. But when I’m in a good mood, I hardly notice the tinnitus at all. I’m at a point where I still notice it frequently, but there are moments when it fades into the background. Of course, it still annoys me.

      Regarding my condition: I have high-pitched tinnitus in my left ear, similar to the sound of an old TV. Fortunately, I have 0% hearing loss and can hear frequencies even up to 8 kHz, including those higher than my tinnitus. The sound seems to disappear when I listen to other noises like rain, wind, or during conversations. Sometimes, I feel pressure in my left ear or even pain, but the doctors haven’t found anything unusual.

      I am currently waiting for the results of an MRI.

      I’ve always been an anxious person and have been taking Escitalopram for the past three years. I noticed the tinnitus after a period of not taking my medication as regularly.

      Some days I feel very good, and other days are tough. While it is improving, I’m still on this journey.

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