Judy Coomer
Wow, looking at that number in print, I have had this problem a very long time and I wonder how I have survived and have not been taken to the asylum. It has not been easy. Listening to a radio at night to go to sleep did not help so I learned to concentrate real hard on something I loved to do and I soon would go to sleep. Over the years I built a house in my mind and designed a windown in about 1980 with triple pane glass that I wish I had patented--had no idea. Anyway, I am almost 67 years young now & am totally deaf in my right ear (but ye olde tinnitus is still there, loud & clear). I have had a cochlear implant in my right ear and am in the process of learning to hear again with that ear. I still have some hearing in my left ear but wear a hearing aide for that ear. And yes, the tinnitus is there too. I hope I am not discouraging to anyone. You can learn to live with it but I also am interested in anything that might help control it or hopefully eliminate it. I was told in 1976 that most likely it had to do with elevated cholesterol so I had that checked but it was not elevated at all and over the past 36 years my cholesterol has never been found to be elevated. I have also been told it was caused by allergies and have had allergy shots, tons of allergy meds and the ringing just continued, worsened even over the years. I did have a sinus infection about 3 1/2 years ago and my hearing noticeably worsened after that and seems like the right ear just went away almost completely. When the cochlear implant was done they said I maybe had 5% hearing in the right ear and probably 20-25% in my left ear. So now Judy has a drivers license that is restricted with an S code that I had never seen before (had to renew this year) and it restricts me to sometime of hearing device when driving. But all that said, it would be wonderful to get rid of this confounded ringing, buzzing noise in my head that has been with me far too long. By the way, I live in Amarillo so I will volunteer for any experiments etc. I am also a retired RN. I gave up working largely because I was afraid I would miss something that might hurt somebody someday so I went out while all my patients were in good shape.