Total Panic

Discussion in 'Support' started by Chrissyh, Apr 20, 2015.

    1. Chrissyh

      Chrissyh Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      February 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      Can anyone tell me when the total feeling of panic and anxiety leaves and you start to relax in your new condition.

      It's been 2 months now and I still feel like a coiled spring.

      Any comforting advice would be much appreciated.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Lorenzo74

      Lorenzo74 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey @Chrissyh

      I think it depends on many variables and it differs for everyone…

      What strategies are you following to keep the anxiety down.. Are you using any masking sounds ? Do you have trouble falling asleep ? Do you take any meds to calm down ? How loud is your T, can you mask it with everyday sounds ?

      Have you gone to a doctor and discussed your panic attacks and anxiety ? Are you a worrier in general ? The less you focus on your T and the faster you will habituate to it, try to keep busy mentally and physically by doing different activities, I for one swim regularly, do yoga and indoor rock climbing to get myself tired and get the stress out of my system…

      Learn to accept the sound and don't look at it as a threat, the faster you can do that the faster your panic level will chill down…

      Take care of yourself and your ears !!

      Ciao ! Lorenzo
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    3. AUTHOR

      Chrissyh Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      February 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank u so much for replying trying to cope on my own the first month I felt and looked really ill slept very little I am sleeping better but trying to do without meds it's sound strange just feel as if I can't let go I suppose it's nervous tension I have stops my yoga which I loved don't want to hear the sound in my ears my yogameant a lot to me but that has been spoilt my t is loud only in quiet spaces but comes alive as soon ss I try to go to sleep and first thing on the morning
    4. Lorenzo74

      Lorenzo74 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      If you were already practicing yoga I would highly recommend you to go back on the mat… Very good way to keep T out of your mind :)

      I found out that in time my practice was definitely a moment I would not ear it as much as I was concentrating on the asanas, and after a good session I would find my body and mind tired but relaxed at the same time…

      The first few months are the worst in terms of acceptance and being scared, but if you can already only hear it in silent places, than it means it will be very manageable for you once you work on your reaction to it, or if you are lucky it will disappear altogether..

      Try not to deal alone with it, I don't know your age but do spend time with people you care and people that are close to you… If you spend too much time on your own obsessing about it and looking for it, it will be more difficult to let go of it…

      I would also suggest you if you are not using it already, to mask your T sound when you go to sleep, there are many apps which give you relaxing sounds… If you find a sound which agrees with you, set it slightly higher than your T sound and just try and relax by focusing on the external sound… It can be a great help to get back to a good sleeping pattern.. It took me months but eventually I did it, even though at times I still use masking sounds to fall asleep…

      Don't let your T rule your life, just protect your ears in loud places and work on your reaction to it…

      Take care and best of luck on this loud journey ! Ciao !!
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    5. Valentina
      No Mood

      Valentina Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Chris, after two months I was still living in hell, in complete desperation, so if you're able to write in the Forum it means you are still the master of your own life. Personally, the first step for me was the acceptance, which I gained with the help of the people I love but also by convincing myself of my new condition. Pleasant things and nice situations contribute al lot in mantaining your serenity at a good level. The time you will need to accept it, is up to you. Of course, meanwhile, by making visits and exams, you could find the cause and, I hope for you, the solution! :)
    6. Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      Well, it could stop at anytime...So only time will tell.
    7. AUTHOR

      Chrissyh Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      February 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you so much for the first time I don't feel alone I'll take up your advice and post again
      Thank you
    8. Gabrielle
      No Mood

      Gabrielle Member

      Netherlands, Utrecht
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown, maybe bad syringing
      Hi Chrissyh,

      It's very normal you are still in the panic phase, because your brain does not recognize the sounds and they want you to be alert so you can fight or flight, that's where the limbic system is designed for.

      I have tinnitus now for almost a year, (started May 3th. 2014), and only since two weeks my brains are no longer in panic and I no longer react emotionally to the sounds.

      Still I hate T, because I 'm getting tired of it, and it's annoying and I am sad to have to live with this condition. I always loved so much silence.

      But I never thought I could ever stay calm stay with that noise in my head. I thought my life was over. The first 10 month's I cried so much, I was in totall panic and very down. I could not believe anyone who said that the panic will get low and you will learn to live with it. I could not believe anyone who wrote about
      habituation. I thought 'Well, everyone will habituate, but not me. I can not ever live with those sounds in my head'...

      Almost one year later,.... sometimes...I feel a little, little, little bit happy and I get confidence to live with it.

      I have a loud, very high-pitched sound, a hiss and rustle and crackle.

      I hear it now, as I am writing. But my emotional brains are not in panic any longer.
      They are kind of 'used' to it. They don't like it, but they stay calm and don't react emotional.

      But for every one it is different. Some people don't react emotional in 2 month's.
      Some in 2 weeks. I needed almost a year... and it is still difficult. Specially the nights... but I am using white noise on youtube.

      And I am still not there.... I miss the silence, and I am sad.
      But at least,... the panic has moved, ... no panic anymore.

      So, I hope for you, you will get there much sooner than me.
      But keep the faith, that you WILL get there, ... the point of no panic anymore. And no emotional reaction from the limbic system. I did not believe it, but now I know it's possible.

      Gabriëlle (sorry for bad English, I am from the Netherlands).
      • Hug Hug x 1
    9. AUTHOR

      Chrissyh Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      February 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you for lovely post I'm starting to think I'm doing better than I thought and I'm not a complete failure I've just gone out and had a nice hair cut just to feel human again and tried to feel like a woman again you all se so lovely on this forum it's not fair such lovely people should hav to put up with this what I've got to do is to forget monitoring it and I just can't eat anymore bland food as not to provoke it I think the key might be just to live my life strong words I know but got to practice what i preach I think
      Take care everyone

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