Treatments for Cervical Spine (Neck) Induced Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Stanlex, Jun 10, 2021.

    1. Stanlex

      Stanlex Member

      A world where everything sounds funny
      Tinnitus Since:
      2019 - mild, 03/2021 - the real shit
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Something that cannot be identified by 21st century tech

      I know that if you have tinnitus caused by cervical spine (neck region) issues, it probably won't go away on its own until you do something about it, and still it may take long time to get better.

      But I have a problem to find reliable material about treating neck tinnitus. There are only a few YouTube videos about it.

      Also when I was going to physio, they gave me only generic advice like exercise more, eat better, spend less time on PC and so on. That, however, didn't help me.

      Is there any reliable exercise to help cervical spine induced tinnitus? And how long does the exercise need to be done before improvement is seen?
    2. anotherforumuser

      anotherforumuser Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      15 may 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      MRI + probably neck
      - There are neck stretches proposed in some posts on Tinnitus Talk. (link). One user felt they were bad for him (link) but a thread on somatic tinnitus mentions of cases cured by the same ones which may be of your interest (link)

      - A different source of information on cervical tinnitus are the articles at MSK neurology (link to specific one). The link explains rather than exercises, what you need most is keeping proper posture to reduce the load of the head on your neck, which otherwise is continuously working against your neck, debilitating it. He seems to be against neck stretches and at some point proposed SCM strengthening, which does not make much sense to me.

      - Caringmedical website also explains in some articles neck tinnitus and apart from their own proposed treatment for the neck, they emphasize good posture.

      - Also on many websites on neck tinnitus the "exercise" is simply better ergonomy, sitting less in general and particularly avoiding computer.

      My own idea is avoiding forward heard posture is the real goal for neck tinnitus, which makes exercises less relevant in any case. (that is; exercises would be just a way to reach the goal of helping with good posture, which is the real way of relieving the neck area and helping tinnitus long term).

      Good luck!

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