Using a Cordless Phone on Hands Free Makes Tinnitus Worse!

Discussion in 'Support' started by littlewren, Mar 23, 2017.

    1. littlewren

      littlewren Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      12 years
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease accompanies my Tinnitus
      I have had Meniere's Disease for about 12 years, the tinnitus wasn't too bad for a long time, but got worse following a Meniere's attack a few years ago.

      I have found - and I know similar stories have been mentioned on here - that my tinnitus and the fullness in the ear get worse not only when using a mobile phone but when I use my landline phone - on hands free!

      I can understand it perhaps getting worse when holding the landline phone to my ear, but I don't understand how it makes it worse when I've put the phone to one side and I'm talking to the person?

      It's got to the point that I am constantly having to say to family that I can't speak to them on the phone, which is such a shame.

      I know that EMFs have been mentioned on here, but nothing has been said about using a cordless phone on hands free, only mobile phones.

      Has anyone else had this problem please?

      TIA, Carrie

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