What Exactly Does My Tinnitus Sound Like?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Marcuseva03, Oct 18, 2015.

    1. Marcuseva03

      Marcuseva03 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2015
      Hello everyone.

      I am Marcus from Singapore. June this year i suffered a sudden hearing loss of low frequencies of my left ear but by the grace of God i regained my normal hearing in middle of august after going through a series of HBOT treatment.

      On the other hand tinnitus on my left ear did not develop till middle of July and the on the right start during mid of Sep. This led me to conclude that my tinnitus may not actually have anything to do with my ear itself, but tons of stressful and anxiety moments cause my tinnitus to start.

      Will like to ask everyone who is reading this. How do you know what your tinnitus sound like? are we suppose to stick our finger into our ear and the resulting sound is the tinnitus. Or do we just have to enter a quiet room and whatever we hear is our tinnitus?

      This is because when i stick my finger to block my ear, all i hear is a single pure tone eeeeeeee but i hear various type of sound when i am in a quiet room.

      In addition, I am very interested in seeking neurofeedback as a treatment method to alleviate my symptom as i think it is really one of the more promising treatment out there. Anyone who wanna discuss on neurofeedback please start a conversation with me via private message.

    2. linda moore

      linda moore Member

      Matlock, Derbyshire,UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music
      Hi Marcus,
      No the noise is in the head not exterior ,the brain is recieving abnormal signals, this tinnitus is all different to people mine is a constant hissing like a high pitched tap running ! It gets worse with stress and colds etc. Usualy it's bad am then late evening.
      Do try to relax and sleep, go on u tube for white noise if you cannot sleep this helps. If you are young it probably will go away.
    3. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      I'm really really struggling with hissing noise so just wanted to ask how do you cope?
      For how long you've had it?
    4. linda moore

      linda moore Member

      Matlock, Derbyshire,UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music
      Hi Valeri,
      I take ginko biloba and now discovered Cinnarizine which is helping greatly.
    5. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      How much of cinnarizine are you taking and for how long?
      Great news it's helping you!
    6. linda moore

      linda moore Member

      Matlock, Derbyshire,UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music
      Hi Valeri,
      I have taken one 15mg in a morning and one about 5 pm I haven't been sleeping well, when I started on them last week doctor said up to 2 three times day, but I played around with the dose as I took 2 at lunch and at four pm I couldn't keek my eyes open ! So unless you need the sleep don't take 2, taking one before bed didn't help the next morning either.
      I try to swimm every other day, just think of different strokes as they're say hope you can get some relief. I thank I have gone from a 10 to 5 with my sound, which is akin to bleeding a radiator hissing. Good luck !
    7. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Linda are you talking about stugeron?
      I didn't know it comes in such a small doses.
      After how long you saw results.
      Sorry to the op as we went off the topic but I hope it helps him.
    8. linda moore

      linda moore Member

      Matlock, Derbyshire,UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music
      Hi Valeri,
      Yes they are called Sturgeon the boots chemist ones are just called Motion sickness tablets, you can get them on prescription as Cinnarizine.

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