Why No Threads on TRT or Pink Noise CD?

Discussion in 'Support' started by JC1859, Jan 6, 2015.

    1. JC1859

      JC1859 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I'm looking in to both of these and it struck me how few posts there are about people undergoing these things, anyone know why? I would have expected many threads about people undergoing these and how they're getting on.
    2. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi, @JC1859: @Dr. Nagler is our TRT expert. But I don't believe true TRT comes on a CD, as it is administered by trained clinicians and has a counseling protocol.

      You can do sound therapies on your own, however, either with a CD or by creating your own tape. Pink noise might be something you would use for that sound therapy, or for masking, but there are many other sounds to choose from.

      There is tons of info on this site about both of these topics. Just do a site search for "pink noise" or "sound therapy." The search function is a small box up top, right before the banner and to the right.

      Here is a detailed thread on DIY sound therapy:
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    3. AUTHOR

      JC1859 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks a lot. I've been reading about the sound therapies, it just seems odd to me how there aren't more threads from people talking about how their therapy is going.

      My Hyperacusis isn't as bad as many on here, so that's probably part of this, but the TRT that costs 2k + seems excessive to me. I mean, what sort of support can a trained clinician really give you that someone on a forum can't? Not to mention the travel to consultations, £600 for an ear device you can get the same effect from a CD? I get that it helps 90% of people but it seems... unfair, how costly it is. I don't know if in good conscience I could charge someone that much to help them, but then I don't have a BMW I need to pay for ;) That's just my thoughts on it so far.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
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      I agree the price of some sound therapies seem high. I did the Neuromonics program: it was $5,000 USD and ran for a year. But I would argue that worth is subjective: if the program helps you (and you have the money), it could be worth it to you. Others here at TT have done experimental treatments that have cost far more in clinical expense and travel. It would not be worth it to me -- plus its not in my budget anyway. But it was to them.

      I actually advise people who are tech savvy -- and I am not one of them, which is why I went with Neuromonics -- to try DIY sound therapy first, as it may give you enough relief and save you some bucks. However, as wonderful as people on this forum are, they are not a substitute for properly trained medical professionals giving you individual attention. I am not sorry I spent the money because, in part, it gave me access to a fine audiologist and university-based physicians who helped me greatly.
    5. AUTHOR

      JC1859 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I'm glad your treatment helped you. Thanks for your replies :)
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