Will I have tinnitus forever?


Oct 14, 2013
Tinnitus Since
Hi guys,

I started having Tinnitus because I got a middle ear infection. The first day I had T was on 4 October.

On friday will be a month since I started having it.

Two weeks ago it was very noisy but last week it sometimes almost disappeared.

I have been to 2 ENT doctors and 1 GP. All of them have told me to relax and promised me that it will go away because I got it from an ear infection.

The problem is that I pay too much attention to it. I constantly cover my ears to see if the T has gone up or down.

Do you think I still have a chance to recover? do you think that the drs are right? Thanks
I hope it goes away but there's no way anyone can say it will go away for sure...

But let me put it this way: I rather have T due to an ear infection than due to loud concert noise like I have. I think the chances of it going away for you are big.

Good luck
there's still plenty of time for it to go away, but know that even if it doesn't, your tinnitus will become less and less of an issue over time. the vast majority of people who get tinnitus habituate.
Thanks guys. It tends to dececrease and the noise now is more a buzz than a ringing, which was more annoying.

At night it almost fades away and I just listen to electrical signals.

I think I will overcome it. All the drs have told me so. The thing is that I am afraid about having a deadline to get rid of it as I had (1 month). As I see it, it´s no good setting a deadline because it puts more prssure on me.
Don't worry about a deadline, no one has the knowledge or authority to give you an idea when tinnitus goes from being acute to chronic. You could recover tonight, in a week, in a few months, or years even - or you might have it forever, but even then you will habituate and move on. Every case is different. Protect your ears, stay positive, keep active, get plenty of sleep and you'll be good to go! Good luck!
Thanks guys. It tends to dececrease and the noise now is more a buzz than a ringing, which was more annoying.

At night it almost fades away and I just listen to electrical signals.

I think I will overcome it. All the drs have told me so. The thing is that I am afraid about having a deadline to get rid of it as I had (1 month). As I see it, it´s no good setting a deadline because it puts more prssure on me.

Yes, I agree with everyone to forget about a deadline. Focus on sleeping well, exercising, and getting your life back together. Try to focus on the positive and tell yourself you'll get better. Most people are a lot better in three months; others take six months to a year. There's no time table, but you will feel better soon.
Sorry to hyjack this thread. But I have a question.

What is this talk about fluid in ears? I having ringing due to loud noise and I swear i have fluid in my ear. Throughout the day my ear feels clogged and sensitive. I also have a cracking sound when I swallow. Doesnt all that mean I have fluid? and if so then what does that mean?
Sorry to hyjack this thread. But I have a question.

What is this talk about fluid in ears? I having ringing due to loud noise and I swear i have fluid in my ear. Throughout the day my ear feels clogged and sensitive. I also have a cracking sound when I swallow. Doesnt all that mean I have fluid? and if so then what does that mean?

Fluid in the ears usually come from a cold or upper respiratory ailment like allergies or a cold or sinus infection. You would need to see a Doctor to determine if fluid was present.
Hi guys,

I started having Tinnitus because I got a middle ear infection. The first day I had T was on 4 October.

On friday will be a month since I started having it.

Two weeks ago it was very noisy but last week it sometimes almost disappeared.

I have been to 2 ENT doctors and 1 GP. All of them have told me to relax and promised me that it will go away because I got it from an ear infection.

The problem is that I pay too much attention to it. I constantly cover my ears to see if the T has gone up or down.

Do you think I still have a chance to recover? do you think that the drs are right? Thanks
Hi epin, take v good care of your ears now, avoid loud noises, eat healthy , take the right supplements , and you may not have it for ever.
@epin3m ,

It is really futile to ask questions like "Will I have tinnitus forever?" It honestly does us no good. It only serves to feed our anxiety about the whole issue. You have said in your post that your tinnitus has quieted down quite a bit over the last month. Tinnitus honestly can take up to 6 months to heal! There really is no solid prognosis on the healing time. In the scientific community, there is even significant argument over what constitutes "chronic" vs "acute" tinnitus.

That being said, I'll definitely say your tinnitus is in the acute stage. From what you have said, it sounds pretty mild (mild tinnitus can be relatively easy to habituate to) and you should be happy with that to a degree. This could be a good wake up call for you to protect your ears. Don't go to concerts and loud bars without using hearing protection. Be sure you always use hearing protection if you are around loud sounds! Don't forget to do it a single time. 30 seconds of a stranger staring at you at a bar because you're wearing ear plugs is worth it as opposed to having the torment of your tinnitus getting worse because of exposure to loud sound. Be smart, and you will most likely be fine.

My second piece of advice is this: try not to habitually check your tinnitus to see if it's there or not. The more you concentrate on it, the more likely your brain will continue to focus on it. Try to stay busy and do things you like. If you become aware of your tinnitus, don't attach negative emotions to it by thinking "Will this continue forever?". We don't have the answers to those questions, and they are about as useful as thinking "Will I get hit by a car tomorrow?" I know much of what I said is easier said than done. Everything in life is. But put in a good faith effort, and you can rest assured that the vast majority of people become completely unaware and ok with their tinnitus, to the point where they don't consider it an issue in their lives.

It just takes pressure and time buddy. Hang in there. It might just go away anyway, so don't give it too much thought.

My apologies. You are right. Making such statements make no good for anyone.

When it started, my T was very light. Then on October the 11th I lost control, I had lots of anxiety and my T hiked up for the next two weeks.

Now is better than last week, I am more relaxed, but I can notice it at all times. Even in the street I can feel a slight ringing. I can hear it when I go to the restroom in a bar and slightly at my workplace.

I know making that kind of questions is useless, but I am at the gates of T and really scared.
@epin3m ,

No need to apologize. You aren't doing anything wrong at all, it just helps to have someone point out the futility of those kinds of thought processes. The first few weeks and months of having tinnitus (if it doesn't go away or greatly lessen) are always very stressful, for most anybody. Remember that the mind is a powerful tool, and can ignore and filter out things that it doesn't perceive as a constant threat. I have been down your road of anxiety and worry several times with tinnitus. Hang in there, it gets better!
No one here nor any doctor can promise you that your T will go away at any specific time. So do not put a deadline on it . That will only cause you more anxiety and maybe worsen your tinnitus. Since your T is a result of an infection and not permanent damage due to hearing loss you have a very good chance of full recovery.

Stay busy and try not to focus on the T. That's much easier said than done. Tinnitus loves attention and loves to be the center of attention.

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