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  • My mom has a chronic cough, and I can't take off my headphones even for a second. I don't remember what my ears look like anymore lol. Hate this
    Hyperacusis back to square 1. Also a new tone in a right ear. Out of nowhere. 40mg of prednisone didn't help. Welp. Time to habituate again
    I think 3 days later it's almost back to normal again. But every day I am getting at least one loud noise. So I can't even relax for a day...even for an hour...
    I was using my headphones on a 3% volume for the last 11 months, hearing 92% is very weird and scary lmao. I hope no perma damage was done
    I accidentally turned on my headphones to 92% when I was gaming. To my surprise it wasn't painful at all, but I know that even 1 sec is enough to cause permanent damage :(
    Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago. I was making music, accidentally put my headphones on as they were at 100% volume, it caused a spike as it was right on a build up of the song with white noise building up in volume with a lot of high frequencies. Not fun. I think it caused perma damage for me as some songs sound different than before to me. I hope no damage happened to you though :/ I wish you the best!
    Before canceling my CT scan appointment I watched like 10+ videos on Reddit/YouTube how CT scans work. And damn they loud as hell :(
    Canceled my CT scan because I can't do it with earplugs or earmuffs. And according to Google it's 70-90 dbs. My limit is 40
    I remember having covid in August. Couldn't leave my bed, wasn't even able to talk or open my eyes for 2 days. At least no T spike lmao
    @Eric N it took my friend 14+ days after symptoms subsided to fully recover her taste. I lost partial taste and it took a few days to come back. I didn't actually realized it and thought it was just Covid being an asshole. I shocked my tastebuds when I ate spicy food and it almost all came back the next day or so.
    Hi @Eric N ! Sorry for the late reply. No, No effect at all. I was so scared about this long term side effect but thankfully it didn't affect my taste and smell. I hope you feel much better now!
    Eric N
    On day 18 now after a loss of smell it's come back but still only at 50% Taste is almost back to normal I would say 80% fingers crossed it continues to improve
    I always wear mask in public, and I leave my apartment only once a week. And I'm still getting covid infections. Unbelievable...
    What kind of mask are you wearing? Do you have a proper fit?
    Got covid again. I had it less than 2 months ago. Unbelievable. Anyway, it did not spike my T back in August, so... There's a small hope!
    covid is shit. if i could, i would burn it to ashes
    It's so hard to find a restaurant that doesn't play music at 90 db...I had to eat at Panda Express once again because it's 50-65 db inside
    Panda Express is my guilty pleasure. Love that place.
    Gabapentin does not help T spike but it does make music sound much better. Ugh. Too bad I can't enjoy it at all :(
    Was filling papers for green card replacement and it says the cost is 700 dollars.What the hell. Looks like I'm permanently illegal now lmao
    I lost my green card and I don't have any other documents at all. Thank god that one pharmacy chain in Texas that doesn't ask for ID lol
    On the other hand I found a new doctor who is able to prescribe me gabapentin. Thank got I didn't order it from India illegally for $50...
    While acoustic trauma occured yesterday at 10:05 pm, my T spiked only today at 1:22 pm. This means you can get spike even a day or two later
    Yayyyy. I got a T spike in my left ear today! Yaaay! And all of this because I took off headphones for A SECOND when mom was at home. Yay!!!
    The worst thing is to sleep in earmuffs for construction workers. My head and neck hurts. But my mom is so damn loud. I want peace...
    Why did I take off my headphones for a minute knowing damn well I'm with my mom and she can do something horrible. What whas I thinking...
    Okay, I took off my headphones for 2 seconds and this happened. I am not taking them off when she is at home or I am outside. Fuck it
    Mom dropped a glass vase in a new apartment without carpets and furniture. The sound was INTENSE. Smartwatch showed 91 db. Why._.
    The dead silence about Auricle device is so unfair to people who are suffering on a daily basis for many months and years :c
    I hope moderate vibration is not dangerous to ears... uncomfortable as hell but not dangerous
    My new apartment has a huge HVAC unit right above my bedroom. The whole room is vibrating 24/7... But I love my bedroom :c
    Update. I'm surprisingly fine. Can't believe Clonazepam and 20mg or prednisone saved my butt (once again). Still in shock tho
    Literally my life depends rn on 1 mg of clonazepam and 20 mg of prednisone. I know you have to take 50 for acoustic trauma but I'm scared..
    50 mg of Prednisone or 50 tablets of 10 mg prednisone
    I was always getting spikes in my T but it was never the loudest of the sounds. September 9 is the day when I ruined my life once again lmao
    I can't believe. No way those scary stories about headphones are the truth. You can't use them even if volume is below 10%...I am shaking
    I can't believe I worsened my T by 50% less than 2 months before my one year anniversary of this hell
    I am getting flashbacks about November 24th... autumn is just not my time of the year is it?
    It happened. Severe spike while listening to music on a 5% volume out of 100. I am out of words...I took 10mg prednisone immediately. Idk...
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