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  • Hi Addot,
    Has your H improved at all?
    hi brandon,

    sadly, no, it has not. i think it did improve a bit about a month after my last setback (January) but after that, I don't know for sure. I went through a brief course of sound therapy, but while I had improved tolerance while wearing the devices, I didn't have any lasting changes.
    I'm just trying to live my life as best as I can, but it's hard. I have good days and bad days. lately more bad than good ones, unfortunately. but thanks for checking in! if I may ask, what made you message me?
    I read your story and saw that you got T after a loud concert 4 years ago. I felt bad that you had to give up your music career. I hear mixed things about hyperacusis eventually leaving but there is alot of people where it persists. I don't know what to what to expect. I hope you start to have better days this condition is absolutely horrible
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