bill 112
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May 8, 2024
Feb 21, 2014
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Republic Of Ireland

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bill 112

Member, Male, from Republic Of Ireland

Well hi, been awhile but yes I am somehow still alive lol. Anyone who was looking for me feel free to message me. Nov 22, 2020

bill 112 was last seen:
May 8, 2024
    1. bill 112
      bill 112
      Well hi, been awhile but yes I am somehow still alive lol. Anyone who was looking for me feel free to message me.
      1. Zigs, GG_Ear, Bruin_NJ and 7 others like this.
    2. Markku
      Hi bill - I hope you are improved and feeling as good as possible. Happy new year to you and your family. :)
    3. RonnieCarzatto
      How did your stem cell therapy go?
      1. TomS97 and threefirefour like this.
    4. DARREN R
      DARREN R
      Hey Bill, how are you doing? Has there been any improvement with your T or H? I hope things are getting better for you. Best wishes, Darren.
    5. Ramki
      Hey Bill, how are you doing now?
      1. bill 112
        bill 112
        Hey Ramki, doing ok for now, still extremely depressed and mourning my old life but I'm somewhat stable at the moment. How are things for you, T calmed down at all yet?
        Mar 10, 2017
      2. Ramki
        Good hear that!
        Mine seems to be getting some low or may be I am adopting to it but so far so good. ENT doc told me to come back to him in December if it will not go away after 8 weeks. I have not visited him yet... planning for one visit.
        Mar 15, 2017
    6. cardrona
      hey bill, who are those people in your pciture, I reckon I played football with the guy in the middle
      1. bill 112
        bill 112
        I'm the guy in the middle and believe me I useless at football:)
        Mar 2, 2017
        devonlee likes this.
    7. bill 112
      bill 112
      You never count your current blessings till they're gone.
      1. Jake007
        Couldn't be more true
        Feb 17, 2017
    8. bill 112
      bill 112
      Day 50, still can't tolerate tv, safe to say I never will.
    9. bill 112
      bill 112
      And my Stemcell treatment is FINALLY booked!!Heres to hoping things go well.
      1. Cameron C, Vinnitus, lapidus and 7 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lex
        I hope this works out for you! When are you flying?
        Jan 20, 2017
      4. BettyHasHope
        Good luck!
        Jan 20, 2017
      5. Vinnitus
        All the best to you @bill 112 I hope this treatment will give you the improvements you hope for. I'll be closely following you as I'm very interested to see where this goes. Good luck!
        Jan 23, 2017
    10. bill 112
      bill 112
      Finished getting blessed by the magic nuns,just have to sit back and wait for Jesus to show up.....any second now.....aaaaany second.
      1. Dana, PaulBe, lymebite and 3 others like this.
    11. bill 112
      bill 112
      Family taking me to get"blessed"by healing nuns,this should be good.
      1. Dana, lymebite and RaZaH like this.
    12. bill 112
      bill 112
      My day consists of,getting up,getting tortured by the sounds in my own house,going to my grandmothers and then back to bed in agony.Luvlife
    13. bill 112
      bill 112
      Finally found a place in Ireland that tests all hearing frequencies,0-20,000hz,this should be interesting.
      1. lymebite likes this.
    14. bill 112
      bill 112
      T is getting lower and lower,God I hope it continues
      1. Dana, lymebite, lapidus and 3 others like this.
    15. bill 112
      bill 112
      T has calmed down a bit,hope it continues.
    16. bill 112
      bill 112
      I was given every chance to be happy but I feel I threw them all away.Can't even look at myself anymore:(
      1. Sailboardman
        You will see yourself again, when you accept your mistakes and practice self forgiveness. Finding happiness again, is a journey that will take some time and perseverance. };-)
        May 12, 2016
        Mario martz likes this.
      2. Mario martz
        Mario martz
        Never give up stephen! you deserve happines.
        May 12, 2016
        stacey likes this.
      3. Dana
        Ditto! Forgetting yourself is the hardest. Didn't succeed yet, but I know I have to, as it is the first step towards recovery. (I read that)
        Jun 1, 2016
    17. bill 112
      bill 112
      Woke up with Vertigo this morning?Never really experienced this before.What is going on in there I will never know:(
      1. Sailboardman
        Meniere's ? Labyrinitus ?
        May 6, 2016
        bill 112 likes this.
      2. bill 112
        bill 112
        I have no idea,if I jog or run I get headaches,ear pain and dizziness?God I hope it's not Ménière's:(
        May 6, 2016
      3. John G
        John G
        I am no expert here. I have etd,and I get dizzy spells. Not sure if thats connected. My docs dont know shit. Maybe check for etd @bill 112
        May 7, 2016
        Dana and bill 112 like this.
    18. bill 112
      bill 112
      Hung out with my friends yesterday and laughed all day long!But today I'm bed bound with pain as punishment for enjoying myself.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bill 112
        bill 112
        No my H Zora :(
        May 3, 2016
      3. bill 112
        bill 112
        My pain is constantly there and noise stretches it further.
        May 3, 2016
      4. stacey
        That happened to me a few times, stupid H. You try to enjoy yourself for a bit then boom we suffer the next day for it. Hope your H is temporary.
        May 4, 2016
        Dana and bill 112 like this.
    19. bill 112
      bill 112
      I think Chi-Kung is working?Lowest T since I can remember and my H has reduced by 30%.Not stopping now;)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Zora
        I am so happy for you bill :))
        May 2, 2016
        bill 112 likes this.
      3. bill 112
        bill 112
        Thanks Zora:)Dogs barking had no effect on me today and I could use a vacuum cleaner again although with earplugs but only as a precaution.I don't know whether this is natural improvement or the Chi-Kung but my improvements all happened after starting Chi-Kung so go figure.
        May 2, 2016
        Mario martz likes this.
      4. Mario martz
        Mario martz
        whether its chi-kung or coincidence, this is good news :D
        May 2, 2016
        Dana likes this.
    20. bill 112
      bill 112
      How did things get so bad for me,feel like I went to sleep and woke up in a nightmare.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Blackbird26
        Hahaha! It really does..;)
        Apr 28, 2016
        bill 112 likes this.
      3. Sailboardman
        I thought I recognized you?
        Apr 29, 2016
      4. bill 112
        bill 112
        Haha Are you referring to me being called Stephen King Sailboardman?
        Apr 29, 2016
        Sailboardman likes this.
    21. bill 112
      bill 112
      Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
      1. Sailboardman likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bill 112
        bill 112
        Nahh man just life in general for me.Everytime I build a life something with my ears happens.I could lie in bed all day but what life is that?But if I go out and about I'm tortured.Damned if I do and damned if I don't:(
        Apr 11, 2016
        Dana likes this.
      4. Sailboardman
        Damn, I hate being damned!
        Apr 12, 2016
        Dana likes this.
      5. bill 112
        bill 112
        Lol I wrote damnest and auto correct changed it to"damn ear"
        It knows me too well.
        Apr 12, 2016
        Sailboardman, Dana and Starlord like this.
    22. bill 112
      bill 112
      When modern medicine fails you,it's time to think outside the box.
      1. Dana, Dutchy, jeannie and 1 other person like this.
      2. Sailboardman
        Yup, we need to go back to old medicine, which probably works better.
        Apr 9, 2016
        Dana and bill 112 like this.
    23. john2012
      i like your posts bill, take care
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  • About

    Republic Of Ireland
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise exposure