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  • Hi Colin, how are you these days? Are you able to spend time with your family? I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old and am currently isolated from them due to ear pain :(
    Hi zigs,

    I did try to give more comprehensive reply but word count limit means short version.

    I am doing a bit better with the pain still very limited in activities I can do, missing parties, school events, cinema, play dates .. but gone from being able to do nothing where you sound like you are to being able to do most days to day daddy stuff that's needed.

    Hang in there I know it's tough but it can improve
    Hey did you ever find any doctors worth contacting for hyperacusis in the UK?
    From my experience seeing a few audiologists and ENTs via NHS most of them didn't even know about it, one ENT when I said noise was causing me pain said to me "your strange do you think you were abducted by aliens", and after being discharged from Nottingham care I have come to conclusion that your on your own.
    Wow wtf that's so rude, it's crazy how rare this thing is
    @ColinUK that is shocking what the ENT said. I also went to Nottingham QMC but didn't receive rudeness like that. Certainly would not have been David Baguley
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