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Jan 20, 2018
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There are some very beautiful souls on this website. I'm sorry about my previous post. Thank you all for being so amazing and supportive Jul 12, 2018

Daniel95 was last seen:
Jul 16, 2024
    1. Daniel95
      There are some very beautiful souls on this website. I'm sorry about my previous post. Thank you all for being so amazing and supportive
    2. Daniel95
      I am just about ready to go. I'm sorry about all the people I've let down
    3. Dylan Blake
      Dylan Blake
      You still vertical?
      1. Daniel95 likes this.
      2. Daniel95
        I hit a rough patch so I haven't been on tinnitustalk, but I'm still above ground
        Jun 28, 2018
    4. Daniel95
      I feel like if I was cured I might actually just die from the relief and happiness lol
      1. Manny, Bill Bauer, cspc and 11 others like this.
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      3. dm222
        If it happens it will very slowly so no, when it really happens there is no strong reaction like that...
        May 27, 2018
        Daniel95 and Bill Bauer like this.
      4. Daniel95
        Well, it wouldn't always necessarily happen very slowly, for example - brain surgery or comas from which people woke up with no tinnitus. But, even with a slow adjustment to getting cured, I think I would be freaking out (positively) all along the way. Of course I could be wrong
        May 28, 2018
        dpdx likes this.
      5. Dylan Blake
        Dylan Blake
        The Irony would be befitting this realm of ours.
        Jun 14, 2018
        Daniel95 likes this.
    5. Daniel95
      How is it that no matter how hard I try, I always keep falling down? How do they do it?
      1. threefirefour likes this.
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      3. Daniel95
        @Dylan Blake I've tried almost all supplements mentioned here for at least 2 weeks, most did nothing and some had some effect, I've visited 3 different ENTs and a plethora of other doctors (I have other health issues, not just tinnitus). I havent tried psychopharmaceuticals other than the odd diazepam which I take rarely because it helps me with my nerve damage.
        May 20, 2018
      4. Daniel95
        I believe what you say. I'm less of that mentality these days and more of the ''where there's a will, there's a way'', I was just disappointed by how much money I've thrown down the drain and still not gotten any answers, concerning tinnitus and everything else. Thank you very much for the kind words though, I hope you are doing well with your tinnitus? We can continue conversation privately if you'd like.
        May 20, 2018
        Dylan Blake likes this.
      5. Dylan Blake
        Dylan Blake
        I suppose it hasn't gotten worse, but really the big thing for me is the mystery, too many not knowns, I cannot be handed a mystery and not given anything to solve it!

        If You would like, PM me anytime, to talk, to vent, though the latter on a site dedicated to support I don't really see to point.
        May 21, 2018
        Daniel95 likes this.
    6. Daniel95
      T makes the good days bad days, and the bad days horrible days. I hope this won't be true forever.
      1. Manny, dpdx, threefirefour and 2 others like this.
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      3. Daniel95
        @Contrast But you have had some significant improvement, that's a great sign. Hopefully I get some improvement too, I have had barely any, if at all.
        May 1, 2018
        Contrast and threefirefour like this.
      4. dpdx
        :( I hate this so much
        May 1, 2018
        Manny, threefirefour and Daniel95 like this.
      5. Dylan Blake
        Dylan Blake
        Even if it is permanent eventually You will find a way to adapt or Your brain will tune it out, stay the course.
        May 19, 2018
        Nice and Daniel95 like this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Approximately 01/10/2018
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    stress/sinus Infection/headphones/maybe antibiotics