Dave AUS
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Mar 23, 2018
Aug 30, 2015
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Adelaide, Australia
Lost Job in Aug 2015

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Dave AUS

Member, Male, from Adelaide, Australia

Please world find us a cure or reduce the severity of our symptoms Feb 9, 2016

Dave AUS was last seen:
Mar 23, 2018
    1. Dem
      Hi, how are you lately?
    2. Dave AUS
      Dave AUS
      Please world find us a cure or reduce the severity of our symptoms
      1. Alue, Tamika, jeannie and 4 others like this.
    3. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Father God, I pray for my friend in Jesus' name. I ask that you will give him some relief from the affliction that tinnitus brings, and give him some days ahead filled with peace and joy! Amen.
      1. Dave AUS likes this.
    4. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Well today, Praise the Lord. Its one day at a time with tinnitus. But we have to finish the race that is set before us.
      1. Dave AUS
        Dave AUS
        Thanks Joe. Hope you are keeping up the battle against T. My second day on an anti depressant. :(
        Sep 16, 2015
    5. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      I too have had a few bad days. All we can do is pray and trust in the character of God. The bible teaches that He does not willingly grieve or afflict people, but it is for a higher purpose He allows these things into our lives. We can trust that God is merciful and compassionate and He does answer prayer.
      1. Dave AUS
        Dave AUS
        Thanks Joe for your support. I can't imagine your daily struggle either. I just don't know if I am strong enough. I am living in hope that something will help me
        Sep 13, 2015
    6. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Find ways of getting some temporary relief when your tinnitus is flaring up. Sometimes I take walks by busy roads, take a long shower, play your favorite game, get involved in good conversation, and take a drive with your windows down. These are things I do at times of affliction. Keep in touch, I will continue to pray.
    7. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Its not easy in the beginning, but as time goes on your brain adjusts to its new environment. Don't give up and do what you can to try and stay calm. I have found the power of prayer,by myself and the prayers of others ; to be my greatest asset in survival. I have had this disorder for over three years now, and I must say that I now find some good days.
      1. Richard zurowski likes this.
      2. Dave AUS
        Dave AUS
        Thank you for the message. Although i dont believe there is a god thank you for praying for not only yourself but other sufferers. I will look forward to that turning point to have a good day! I used to have a few good days per week pre T. I'd give up anything to return to then
        Sep 4, 2015
    8. Dave AUS
      Dave AUS
      Trying to cope one day at a time
      1. Sailboardman
        That's all you can do. I know the feeling and of the insanity T produces. God bless us all!
        Aug 30, 2015
        Dave AUS likes this.
      2. Richard zurowski
        Richard zurowski
        Same here. Been terrible. We will stay together and be stronger for each other.
        Aug 30, 2015
        Dave AUS likes this.
      3. Dave AUS
        Dave AUS
        Thank you. Wish us all a future and hopefully a cure to be found very soon or relief
        Sep 4, 2015
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  • About

    Adelaide, Australia
    Lost Job in Aug 2015
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Too Loud Indoor Rock Concert
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