Joe P. Tamborra
Nov 20, 2014
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Joe P. Tamborra

Member, Male, from U.S.A.

Trusting Jesus to help me finish my life with JOY! Oct 15, 2019

    1. LilSass
      I'm pretty sure mine is from medication. It's been 8 months and I thought I was doing okay, but I wake up in a panic - not sure what to do. Finally seeing an audiologist on Thursday. I hope they can help. God bless!
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        Hi Joe how loud is your T. Mine has reached the sound of a drill. I have become angry and bitter since it is progressing daily. 70 percent of all foods spike it. I lost everything. The spiritual journey - a bad one - I had from this you would not believe.
        Apr 22, 2024
      3. 4Grace
        This might sound crazy to you coming from someone you don’t know on the internet but I have had bad messages. Maybe lived a life with too much pride. I have had 10 messages and I have Two pictures. I have a unique story. Discussed with many a priest. I’m scared to say the least.
        Apr 22, 2024
    2. LilSass
      Hi Joe!
      You said your t is intermittent, as is mine. Was your hearing affected before you had the tumor removed? I have no hearing loss and the t seems to come from both ears, but I sometimes have an achy feeling in my right ear.
    3. Bowie
      I dont think he will listen . I have had so much thrown at me and when I have asked for help things get worse . Am ok just cant cope at moment dont understand why this on top everything else . Tina
    4. Bowie
      Hi I dare not pray as it is my fault I did this to myself .
    5. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Trusting Jesus to help me finish my life with JOY!
    6. HeavyMantra
      Hey Joe! Can you describe your tinnitus please? I read it's intermittent. One ear only? High-pitched? I haven't checked for a neuroma but since nobody can tell me why I have T I'm wondering if I might have it
      1. Drone Draper likes this.
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      3. Drone Draper
        Drone Draper
        In any case, I was too wondering if they needed to do an MRI or if there were other things they could do to pic it up.
        Apr 11, 2019
      4. Joe P. Tamborra
        Joe P. Tamborra
        Hey Mantra, I found out I had the tumor through an MRI test. It is a rare benign tumor; I would be surprised if you were that unlucky. And yes, I have the tinnitus in the affected ear, and it is intermittent. 2/3 of the time it is low, and the other 1/3 quite higher
        Sep 2, 2019
        SouthKorean likes this.
      5. Joe P. Tamborra
        Joe P. Tamborra
        Hey Mantra, the chances of having an acoustic neuroma tumor are slim; the odds are greater if you have hearing loss in just one ear. My tinnitus is in one ear, and intermittent; I assume in my case the tumor brought on the tinnitus. In most people's case however it is from exposure to loud noise; which creates hearing loss. Also some have been unfortunate by receiving tinnitus from ototoxic drugs.
        Dec 23, 2019
    7. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Ready to have my 7 year Anniversary of my onset of tinnitus. It is still present with me; however the "Grace" of God is sufficient for me.
      1. OnceUponaTime
        When's your anniversary Joe?
        Mar 24, 2019
        Joe P. Tamborra likes this.
      2. Lynny
        Why’s ‘grace’ in quotation marks, if you don’t mind me asking?
        Aug 21, 2019
    8. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      In a short time, none of these temporal things we go through will matter; all that will matter is Eternal life!
      1. jay777
        oh boy
        Feb 24, 2019
        Juliane, threefirefour and Eric N like this.
    9. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      I am not a priest; however I am a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus since 1991.
      1. threefirefour
        Well that's good. As you can see I'm a bedridden old man who is suffering from debilitating tinnitus. Could you pray for me?
        Feb 3, 2019
      2. threefirefour
        Did you pray for me yet?
        Mar 1, 2019
        SouthKorean likes this.
    10. threefirefour
      Are you a priest?
    11. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      The Lord is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think!
      1. Eloy Resendez Jr likes this.
    12. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Happy Mother's Day to all! May the Lord give you Grace and Mercy on this special day!
      1. stacey likes this.
    13. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Therefore I say unto you, what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.( Mark 11:24)
      1. Bran350 and Richard zurowski like this.
      2. Sailboardman
        Joe, has praying relieved you of your Tinnitus? It hasn't for me and I pray all day long. I assume, we don't know how to appease the Lord with our prayers. If we did, he would heal us as he promised.
        Sep 4, 2015
        Tamalak likes this.
    14. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,according to His mighty power at work within us. Eph.3:21
      1. PMc, TexasT and Chelles like this.
      2. Sailboardman
        Liked your pray on chat this morning. I have prayed day and night, for 16 months now and realize, Jesus isn't there to help us who suffer in this world. He will be there when he returns, to judge the living and the dead. Our prayers now, are to save our souls then.
        Aug 2, 2015
    15. Richard zurowski
      Richard zurowski
      May God the father bless you,God the Son heal you, God the Holy Spirit give you strength. May God the holy and undivided Trinity guard your body save your soul, and bring you safely to his heavenly country; where he lives and reigns for ever and ever Amen.
      1. Sailboardman
        Amen! Although, I pray, he will get me there, just a little sooner than later!
        Jul 30, 2015
        Richard zurowski likes this.
    16. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Its been a rocky road this week for me with the T. Please say a prayer
    17. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. (1Cor.(9:24)
    18. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy (Acts20:24)
    19. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassion's fail not. They are new every morning. (Lam.3:22-23)
    20. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Men ought always to pray and not lose heart (Luke 18:1)
    21. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      I've been praying for Revival in the state of Tennessee for months now.
    22. Teresa1958
      Thank you for your posts that brings hope. I would love to be part of your church. My life has been falling apart since Tinnitus entered my life almost 1 year ago. My prayers are not answered. Why I don't know.
      1. Joe P. Tamborra likes this.
    23. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Trials of life can either destroy us or make us better, its up to our response.
      1. PMc likes this.
    24. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      But we had a sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raises the dead. (1 Cor. 1:9)
      1. Chelles likes this.
    25. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered. (Joel 2:32)
      1. PMc likes this.
    26. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Rejoicing in God's grace to me. The joy of the Lord is your strength. (Neh. 8:10)
    27. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Pray without ceasing.(1Thel.5:17)
    28. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      The bible compares our lives like a marathon road race. Sometimes during a long race it becomes painful to continue. Persevere.
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  • About

    Painting contractor
    Tinnitus Since:
    April 2012
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Acoustic neuroma tumor
    Follower of the Lord Jesus since 1988! Jesus never fails, even with tinnitus!