Hello mate West Ham fan ? How's your tinnitus now ? Mines been increased for 9 weeks now in my right ear got retracted ear drum and fluid , one word ..cunt
Hi Liam, no I'm not into face book I'm afraid, it's not something I've ever got involved with. how are you doing? you just have to stay strong and try and keep your mind occupied, make sure your able to sleep, then coping will be easier for you. it just takes time to adjust. I know I've had T for 26 years. very lo loud 24/7 I don't let it spoil my life, I have a great life.
Hi buddy, do you have a Facebook or anything to chat on? I signed up here to PM you and ask a few questions, seems you're the same age as me and into cars etc so just wanted to ask a few things! Thanks, Liam