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  • Hey, would love to know how you are getting on
    It's good news and bad news. My musical ear syndrome (MES) usually doesn't bother me when I'm sleeping anymore. However, the bad news is that my tinnitus is now louder and more constant during the day. I used to have periods of quiet throughout the day but not anymore. The only thing that gets rid of it temporarily is Benadryl but that has some severe medical effects if you take it long-term so it's not a solution.
    Things going better on your end?
    I can't sleep through the night without Benadryl. But when I do, my T is minimal the next morning. But it is very reactive, even 10 minutes of normal sound levels will set it off again. So I try to keep quiet since sound enrichment just makes it worse for me.
    @JayZee Damn, I am truly sorry to hear that. I'm glad the Benadryl is at least allowing you to get to sleep. I'm hoping this is just a temporary struggle that you will be able to fight through.
    Things are getting worse...unable to sleep through the majority of the night because the silence is deafening
    You can try to use it on just your phone, but it would be ideal if you have any sort of speakers in your room you could use. Might suggest picking up a decent Bluetooth speaker if you don't have anything at the moment.
    If you sleep with someone else in your room and fear it might bother then, I would try to explain it's almost essential for your well-being. Once you get your sleep on track, you can start trying to figure out how to lessen your need for the masking.
    Hope this helps, @JayZee! (Mentioning since I don't know for sure if you get notifications without one.)
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