Oct 4, 2018
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Member, Female, from UK

Was fully recovered from my previous spike then last Friday, neighbour consecutively slammed their door…back to nerve pain! #FFS Jun 3, 2024

    1. Jenny_S
      Was fully recovered from my previous spike then last Friday, neighbour consecutively slammed their door…back to nerve pain! #FFS
      1. Heal82
        Can you please describe where exactly is your nerve pain ? Hope you are doing better now. Taking any medications?
        Jul 3, 2024
    2. Hardwell
      Hope the lingering face pain dispersed and you were able to go on your trip :)
      1. Utdmad89 likes this.
      2. Jenny_S
        Hi @Hardwell.Thank you for the well wishes :) We went and had a great time. Obviously all quieter sightseeing options and trigeminal nerve pain seeing some improvements. Hope you (and partner) are fully recovered from that particularly bad illness.
        Mar 29, 2024
    3. Jenny_S
      Two weeks ago, I was excited for travelling. Now, it’s just panic after lingering facial nerve pain from noise and vibrations.
      1. aab likes this.
    4. Jenny_S
      Why is louder still deemed better these days? Invited for a walk in a quiet local park. Unbeknownst there’s a bassy reggae festival
      1. SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      2. gameover
        Riff-raff always liked loud noise. And riff-raff keeps proliferating.
        Sep 5, 2023
    5. Ellaenchanted868
      hi, i saw ur comments from 2017 on ttts. how is it now and what was the cause? what were ur intitial symptoms and did u have hyperacusis?
      1. Jenny_S
        Hi @Ellaenchanted868 My TTTS comes and goes. The cause came from acoustic trauma (Acoustic reflex test in both ears). No pain then to sound like I have now but just ear pulse like reaction to sounds e.g.a light switch.
        Sep 5, 2023
      2. Jenny_S
        I think I have mild hyperacusis now and probably have had it some time.
        Sep 5, 2023
        gameover likes this.
      3. Jenny_S
        Sep 5, 2023
    6. Jenny_S
      Thunder! Got caught outside in one of nature’s loudest sounds…luckily with earplugs. Little spike and cheek pain. Please be temporary.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jenny_S
        @Ryan Scott Can’t believe it but googled-What is the loudest noise in nature?
        The loudest animal sound ever measured in decibels is the sperm whale (230 dB). Never going whale watching!
        Jun 19, 2023
        Ryan Scott likes this.
      3. Jenny_S
        @Strawberryblonde Thank you so much for the reassurance. How are your ears now? I hope all better. I thought there was a quiet moment to run out of the car to my home…unfortunately not.
        Jun 19, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        I am doing pretty ok at the moment @Jenny_S my mood ebbs and flows with ups and down that come with having T. I don't think the thunder would be loud enough to cause any spike, if so id assume the worry about the thunder would cause a spike and not the actual noise :)
        Jun 19, 2023
        Jenny_S likes this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise Induced
    A warm hello to you reading this and I hope you can find some solace you are not alone with your ear problems.

    Which originally started as a mild ring in my left ear,
    has now become ear noise, aural fullness, and ear popping and pain from sounds.

    Like many people have experienced on this forum, you try hard to protect yourself but fluke incidents happen that cause such distress and further ear problems. Life is not always in our control.

    My hope is that with time, I will recover or habituate to enjoy this wonderful world we live in again.