Last Activity:
Jul 12, 2022
Aug 14, 2016
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South Africa

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Member, from South Africa

Kenilworth was last seen:
Jul 12, 2022
    1. Travis Henry
      Travis Henry
      I love you brother, I am suffering through every second of everyday with reactive t and loudness H . T is so so sooooooo loud.
      1. sakrt, NYCGuy, Steph1710 and 2 others like this.
    2. FlatDarkEarth
      Hey Kenilworth, I was reading your post and I'm curious about your experience with Xanax. Do you still feel Xanax changed the properties/severity of your tinnitus?

      I was given some Xanax same as you - .25mg. I have taken perhaps 8-9 pills over the course of about 3 months, using very sparingly. I'm wondering if some of the unusual problems I'm having is due to this...
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. Kenilworth
        Hi FlatDarkearth. Yes. The alprazolam(Xanax) did change the nature of my tinnitus. But so many other factors played a role in the worsening of my tinnitus.

        For instance, my tinnitus was never the sensitive type right up until I started using Xanax. I did not experience any reactiveness before taking the drug. Hyperacusis was not an issue prior. Hope that answers your question and please feel free to ask anything.
        Apr 14, 2022
        Wrfortiscue and FlatDarkEarth like this.
      3. FlatDarkEarth
        Thanks for your follow up. I can't say if Xanax has done the same for me, but there is definitely lots of fluctuation with my ears right now. I'm hoping that I just took less than 10 pills over 3 months is working in my favor.
        Apr 14, 2022
        Kenilworth and Wrfortiscue like this.
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    South Africa
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