Oct 30, 2020
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    1. BB23
      I forgot to ask.
      Is your tinnitus reactive and do you have hyperacusis?
      If yes Does retigabine help with those aspects?
      1. Kleiner
        not really reactive (only on very specific conditions, so it happen like 3-4 times per years), so i can't say
        Dec 25, 2023
    2. Justwaitinchilin
      Any more to be had?
    3. Justwaitinchilin
      1. Kleiner likes this.
    4. Justwaitinchilin
      Properly stored but expired none the less
      1. Kleiner
        The chemical reality of the drug is more important than a few numbers on the box
        It's viable
        Oct 31, 2023
    5. Justwaitinchilin
      I imagine what you got in 2020 was expired but still had effect
      1. Kleiner
        Nope, it's "fresh" retigabine since it was well stored (in freezer)
        Oct 31, 2023
      2. ajc
        lol you ate placebo. medications should NOT be stored in a freezer. geez.
        Oct 31, 2023
        Kleiner likes this.
      3. Kleiner
        Thanks for your useless opinion ajc.
        It confort me in my choice to not listen people who speak without knowing anything
        Oct 31, 2023
    6. Justwaitinchilin
      Did Trobalt provide you a lasting benefit?
      1. Kleiner
        No, but I think I didn't took the treatment long enough for that

        It's my actual goal
        Oct 30, 2023
    7. BB23
      You said "Retigabine is also not effective against all types of tinnitus, my non-somatic tinnitus reacts only slightly". But we had people with tinnitus in their head disappear completely while on RTG. Why do you think that RTG wasn't effective for your case, how was your case different compared to all the others with head T?
      1. Kleiner
        My somatic T generally responds well to RTG, can reach 90% at hight dose.

        My non-somatic T reacts only slightly (20% placebo range), but I think there is still an impact.

        This is my personal theory, I think that my non-somatic T is located in a structure superior to DCN, which responds less to KV7 (i.e. because it responds a little to retigabine, or because it is linked to somatic T)
        Oct 27, 2023
      2. BB23
        @Kleiner KV7 channels are present in Inferior C. as well and can be modulated based on a paper I posted. It is really weird it had little impact on your non-somatic t. Many others with head t.(should be non somatic) had it completely eliminated. Maybe yours lie even above the IC. Mine is due to antidepressants and fluoroquinolones, people reported success with similar t to mine. How loud is your t? what caused it?
        Oct 28, 2023
      3. Kleiner
        I think it's related to CI in my case, bc this T can reach other side, at least not in brain.
        Idk at all, RTG is so random, i took time to make it work for somatic one, and non-somatic one seems to respond a little, so i still have hope.
        Oct 29, 2023
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