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  • Hey Mirador! Read your post about your benzo taper. How's it going now? What's your current taper rate? I'm thinking of starting a taper soon. I think my pain H may be due to tolerance withdrawal and I also have very erratic T. Hope everything is going as smoothly as is possible during a taper.
    Hey Mirador, how are you? Did you decide on a path forward yet?
    Sounds like you are doing ok. That is good to hear! I've waited far too long with my taper. I believe long term clonazepam made my T much worse. I just started tapering again and I am scared, but it has to be done!
    Let me know when you do the jump! :)
    It won't be for a while yet! I'm down to just under 0.16 and I guess it will take me at least a year to get off from here - I'm going down v. slowly so I can maintain functionality and some quality of life in the meantime. Good luck with the tapering - I think if you take it slow and follow your symptoms you are giving yourself a good shot at managing it.
    Struggling with clonazepam-induced tinnitus
    Did the withdrawal induce it? Or the drug itself
    Should fade
    Overly quick withdrawal. Doctor suggested I reinstate and taper slowly. Bad mistake. Still got 0.18mg to taper and have horrendous tinnitus.
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