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Recent content by Nebras5

  1. Nebras5

    Has ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) Ever Been Tried as a Treatment for Tinnitus?

    I'm on my second ECT session for depression and the tinnitus is still same. I will keep you updated.
  2. Nebras5

    Poll: Do You Have an Internal Tremor or a Vibrating Sensation?

    It’s like vibrating cellphone
  3. Nebras5

    Poll: Do You Have an Internal Tremor or a Vibrating Sensation?

    I have an internal tremor or vibrating sensation in the back of my head. I'm wondering if anyone else has that too?
  4. Nebras5

    Poll: Do You Get Dizziness for a Split Second When Moving Your Head?

    Do you get dizziness for a split second when moving your head along with balance problem?
  5. Nebras5

    Does Tinnitus Cause Balance Disorder?

    Does ENT doctor help in this case?
  6. Nebras5

    Does Tinnitus Cause Balance Disorder?

    But I’m wondering how?
  7. Nebras5

    Does Tinnitus Cause Balance Disorder?

    I have constant balance disorder which started after months of having my tinnitus.
  8. Nebras5

    Does Tinnitus Cause Balance Disorder?

    Anyone else have balance disorder come after tinnitus?
  9. Nebras5

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    Do any of you have experience with Keppra (Levetiracetam)?
  10. Nebras5

    Snowy Vision?! Is This Related to Tinnitus?

    63% of visual snow sufferers have tinnitus.
  11. Nebras5

    Snowy Vision?! Is This Related to Tinnitus?

    I have floaters as well but don’t bother me as VS does .
  12. Nebras5

    Snowy Vision?! Is This Related to Tinnitus?

    I have been suffering from tinnitus for a year and a half but these days my vision has become “Snowy” I’m at my lowest point right now and can’t handle this much longer.
  13. Nebras5

    Vision Problems Related to Tinnitus?

    Do you have vision problems such as blurry vision related to tinnitus?
  14. Nebras5

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    What to expect from antidepressants? I think we have to look for something that can help us to cope better with tinnitus than wasting time looking for cure , it’s really complicated thing and until that time they find cure we have to live our life as normal ppl
  15. Nebras5

    Pregabalin (Lyrica)

    Not good for long term because you will become addicted to it and withdrawal symptoms are horrible