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  • Nsanta, typically ringing does subside like Markku said. Mine has not but I am not certain what caused it exactly. Feel free to keep us posted on your T. Hoping and praying with you that this goes away soon for you.
    I just wanted to ask if anyone knows if zoloft can cause or irritate tinnitus? Some ringing has started last week and it's driving me insane
    SSRI-related tinnitus often resolves on its own, either in time during therapy or after stopping taking the medication. Discuss with your doctor what options you may have. Best of luck!
    In the meantime, try to avoid actively listening to the tinnitus noise. Put some background music on, e.g. waterfall, rain, crickets, white/pink/brown noise, whatever you like best.
    Well that's a bit of relief. I'm actually seeing my doctor on Saturday, so I'm hoping and praying that it's just a simple medication problem. Thanks Markku! I really appreciate it! I've been doing the background noise thing and also have had my fans on at night and it's been helping. Thanks again!
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