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Feb 7, 2018
May 15, 2014
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July 10

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Member, Female, from US/Oklahoma

I took a break from here, I have missed talking to my friends on this site.. Hopefully everyone is cured and all moved on! Feb 9, 2016

tyty was last seen:
Feb 7, 2018
    1. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Hey tyty, I hope things are well for you and your family. I have had good and bad days; however the tinnitus has not been as big an obstacle as it has been in the past. I think I have habituated to it a lot!
      1. tyty likes this.
      2. tyty
        Joe basically same with me so good to hear from you!
        May 2, 2016
        Joe P. Tamborra likes this.
    2. tyty
      I took a break from here, I have missed talking to my friends on this site.. Hopefully everyone is cured and all moved on!
      1. Sailboardman and jimH like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. tyty
        Feb 9, 2016
      4. RaZaH
        Not too bad , and you ?
        Feb 9, 2016
        tyty likes this.
      5. jimH
        It's good to see a post from you again! I hope that you've been doing well.
        Feb 9, 2016
        tyty likes this.
    3. Joe P. Tamborra
      Joe P. Tamborra
      Merry Christmas Tyty to you and your family!!!
      1. tyty likes this.
      2. tyty
        Hey Joe I am back, took a break from this forum, but I am back hopefully
        Feb 9, 2016
    4. tyty
      "Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat" F.Scott Fitzgerald
      1. Kopesy and jimH like this.
    5. tyty
      Is there light at the end of this noisy tunnel? Nine months since this intrusive evil entered my life.
    6. tyty
      Life goes on...T or not T
      1. ChingChing likes this.
      2. tyty
        Dec 17, 2014
    7. tyty
      I finally made the choice to order hearing devices with white noise capability, hoping this helps me. It's been 7 months now, desperate.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Louise H
        Louise H
        Noise generators saved my life. You will do fine! Hang in there I did it u can too!
        Oct 31, 2014
        tyty likes this.
      3. cullenbohannon
        @tyty maybe dont look at it like you "broke down" As far as i can see you someone who his taking steps to try and get their life back, and these hearing devices may be just one of the steps you take on your journey. Good luck.
        Nov 9, 2014
        tyty likes this.
      4. OddV
        How are the hearing devices working out?
        Dec 11, 2014
        tyty likes this.
    8. tyty
      Praying for inner peace in my life.
      1. MarkD likes this.
    9. tyty
    10. tyty
      Still ZINGING is what I call it......I also feel a pulsating feeling in my ear sometimes..Will this ever stop!?! God I hope so.
      1. Rochelle
        I think I've gotten use to the pulsating I feel and hear.
        Sep 16, 2014
    11. tyty
      Trying to move forward with my life and not let my T control me...I am on a mission to take back my life!
      1. Markku
        Sounds like a great plan! Best of luck with it... actually, you don't need luck. You will get to a place where normal life resumes, regardless of tinnitus. My noise is quite loud 24/7 but most days I'm functioning normally.

        PS. Did you know that, in Finnish, tyty is a slang word for "girl"? :-)
        Sep 7, 2014
        tyty likes this.
    12. MarkD
    13. tyty
      I just downloaded an amazing app on my IPhone called "MyNoise" and you can create your own noise with the custom features to mask your T.
      1. sean.d777
        You shouldn't be completely masking your T because when you don't mask it, it will have more of a drastic, negative effect on you. You should *accept* your T, realise it's a natural noise and be okay with it.
        Jun 24, 2014
    14. tyty
      hoping that this going on 9 weeks of hissing in my ear stops soon. :(
      1. sean.d777
        Stay hopeful darling, trust me, it will pass.
        Jun 2, 2014
      2. My T Sucks
        My T Sucks

        Do you mind if I ask how your T started?
        Jun 23, 2014
      3. tyty
        MTS, It appeared after 5 weeks of a cold/bronchitis episode. I assume that had something to do with it. :( The date was approximately March 20, 2014.
        Jul 30, 2014
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  • About

    July 10
    Tinnitus Since:
    March 2014
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Ear infection
    It's been 24 months since I posted the post below, I am beginning to cope with my T even though it still bothers me I am learning to not listen for it.

    I am new to this crazy condition called tinnitus and I started off with both ears for 16 weeks but now it is seems to have moved to my left ear only, I am miserable and anxious. I have seen 2 ENT'S 3 doctors, had an emergency room visit for cough and chest congestion that plagued me for 2 months. I had contrast MRI's of my head, neck, sinuses….then came the ringing/buzzing/throbbing. I was told I have some high frequency hearing loss in both ears. All I hear most of the time is hissing in my left ear that is very high pitched and loud. I do have high blood pressure but it is controlled with medications. During the day I can manage without too much panic…the moment the room go silent (oh how I miss that silence) I panic and I am miserable. I have tried everything over the counter plus the ENT recommended bioflavenoinds 3x's daily. Nothing has worked to alleviate my noise up to this time. I am seeing an acupuncturist/Chinese medicine doctor and it did nothing to help me. I hoping and believing this is not here to stay forever…I am hoping and praying for answers. I was thrilled to find this forum. I appreciate any ideas to help me.