May 16, 2020
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Member, Male, from NYC

I'd really like to get vaccinated, but there are too many anecdotal reports that all three vaccines have caused T in people. Lovely. Apr 4, 2021

    1. tbuzz89
      I'd really like to get vaccinated, but there are too many anecdotal reports that all three vaccines have caused T in people. Lovely.
      1. Bill Bauer, LilSass, tracyNYC and 3 others like this.
    2. tbuzz89
      Been a while, TT. Little update, the T is still here and it still fluctuates wildly. I attribute it to inflammation, but who knows.
      1. LilSass, Steph1710 and aot like this.
    3. tbuzz89
      Another very mild (comparatively) day yesterday, and for the first time, for the entire day. Annoying again today but so far not hell level.
      1. LilSass, Steph1710, twa and 6 others like this.
    4. tbuzz89
      Mild day yesterday, worse day today. One thing that has changed over the last 10 months is the frequency of good vs. bad days.
      1. twa, Steph1710, asey20 and 1 other person like this.
    5. tbuzz89
      Evening of 1/14/21 was the closest I've been to silence in 10 months with my worst tone basically gone. Today, the T was back to hell level.
      1. asey20 and LilSass like this.
    6. tbuzz89
      Coffee always makes my T better which goes against what most people experience. The last three days were hell but today it's getting better.
    7. tbuzz89
      The last month provided more tolerable and maskable T, but it has come back with a vengeance the last couple of days. Hopefully temporary.
    8. tbuzz89
      Went for a walk around Central Park today. Felt good to be back home in NYC, but even better, didn't hear my T at all while in the park.
    9. tbuzz89
      There will absolutely be a cure for this nonsense during most of our lifetimes. The only question is when?
      1. katri, LilSass, Labyrinthine and 7 others like this.
    10. tbuzz89
      After a series of somewhat decent days, T is back to a screaming hell. Amazing how biologically unnecessary T is.
      1. twa, LilSass, ASilverLight and 3 others like this.
    11. tbuzz89
      Lately I've had some good days. T is still there but I get days where it isn't as severe. After 8 months maybe a little bit of progress?
      1. katri, twa, LilSass and 4 others like this.
      2. tbuzz89
        However, today is not one of those days!
        Dec 2, 2020
        LilSass likes this.
    12. tbuzz89
      I used to stare at the sky, enjoy the brilliant silence surrounding me, and find comfort in the future. Now the future terrifies me.
    13. tbuzz89
      My main electric buzz sound has developed into a sharp, high-pitched hiss over the last month. Still up and down and always audible.
      1. katri, LilSass, Emgee and 1 other person like this.
    14. tbuzz89
      Having a history of anxiety and depression makes the T so much more difficult to deal with. I thought I knew what hell felt like until this.
    15. tbuzz89
      Tinnitus is absolutely pointless from a biological standpoint and the brain does nothing but drive itself insane!
    16. tbuzz89
      There’s never a day I can’t hear it and not a sound that can mask it. This is not what life was supposed to be like.
    17. tbuzz89
      Four months in. T is up and down and constantly changing still. Just when I think it's getting better it hits me in the face with a brick.
      1. twa, Bill Bauer, Joe C and 4 others like this.
    18. tbuzz89
      Does T ever actually get better or do the very brief moments of silence exist only to torture us even more?
      1. CAgirl, LilSass, ASilverLight and 3 others like this.
    19. tbuzz89
      While the T is still intrusive and unable to be masked, sometimes I feel like the harshness is better than it was a month ago. Hard to tell.
      1. twa, CAgirl, LilSass and 5 others like this.
    20. tbuzz89
      Almost three months from the onset of this intrusive T. Having a difficult time with it mentally.
      1. twa, Kylie V. and LilSass like this.
    21. tbuzz89
      While I don’t feel sensitive to sounds, noticing my T is fighting against noise and gets louder around sound. This is torture.
      1. CAgirl, LilSass, Emgee and 1 other person like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. tbuzz89
        I’m emotionally better today but the T and reactivity is just as bad. Thanks for always asking @LilSass! How are you doing today?
        Jun 1, 2020
        LilSass likes this.
      4. LilSass
        Doing okay. Feel sometimes that I'm going in circles trying to figure out the cause - not entirely sure it was from meds. Hoping that upper cervical chiro will help. Doing some counselling to stay sane. T is still the same - at least it's consistent (silver lining?) Life is so weird right now. :/
        Jun 1, 2020
        Tara Lyons likes this.
      5. tbuzz89
        Totally get that. I keep trying to think back to March - did the daily blender I used to make morning smoothies cause it? Was it the 15 minutes of using an electric leaf blower? Or the 5 minutes of using a nail gun? Who knows. Glad to hear you're doing better today. Life is definitely weird, @LilSass.
        Jun 1, 2020
        LilSass likes this.
    22. LilSass
      Hi @tbuzz89 ! How are you doing today? :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LilSass
        Geez, isn't it the oddest thing having a conversation like this? Never did I think...
        May 26, 2020
      3. tbuzz89
        Mine has pretty much been an electrical buzz/hiss since it started in March. There are some more mild high pitched tones in the background but those are somewhat masked by ambient sounds and don't bother me nearly as much as the buzz. I've also had this low pitch warble sound since 2008 that comes and goes over the years, but again, does not bother me and is only heard in a quiet room.
        May 26, 2020
        CAgirl and LilSass like this.
      4. tbuzz89
        It's beyond strange. Last thing I ever thought I'd be dealing with, for sure.
        May 26, 2020
        Tara Lyons and LilSass like this.
    23. tbuzz89
      When one has a relatively quiet day, you hold onto the moment.
    24. tbuzz89
      Yesterday was the quietest day I've had since onset two months ago. 1.5/10. Now today it's back up to 8/10. The ups and downs are torture!
      1. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        It would be much worse if it were to be relentlessly at the same level. It never goes away for good overnight. There are always lots of fluctuations. What matters is the monthly trend and the global low. Your low is already very low - others take years to get there. Unless you hurt your ears again, you should be ok.
        May 25, 2020
        tbuzz89 likes this.
      2. tbuzz89
        Thanks Bill - your words on this forum are reassuring. I woke up to near silence from the buzzing/hissing sound this morning, I'd say 0.5 out of 10, which has fluctuated around throughout the day so far ranging from 1, 2 and 3/10. Even with these lows, due to the nature and "feeling" of the buzzing, I can still hear it over almost all ambient noise short of a running faucet/shower.
        May 25, 2020
        LilSass likes this.
      3. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Your T is very new and it is already changing for the better. Let's hope that 3-6-12 months from now you will feel a lot better.
        May 25, 2020
        LilSass and tbuzz89 like this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Intrusive 03/2020; Very mild 2008
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Power Tools as a trigger, AirPods for the long term damage.