john paul
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Mar 2, 2022
Feb 6, 2018
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john paul


It seems the spices in mexican fajitas makes my Tinnitus way lower. Hmmm Jun 16, 2019

john paul was last seen:
Mar 2, 2022
    1. Dizzyhead888
      Hi John, please see my post to offer swaping with your appointment in the Lenire thread
      1. john paul
        john paul
        i dont think im going at all now, They just replied to me with a generic message about deadlines to confirm when i asked them about my wax situation. Little bit off putting.
        Jun 27, 2019
      2. Dizzyhead888
        Can we switch in any case and you can not attend if you want?
        Can you give me your email to send an email to neuromod copying you about our request to swap appointments?
        Jun 27, 2019
      3. Dizzyhead888
        Hi John, kindly let me know
        Jun 28, 2019
    2. john paul
      john paul
      It seems the spices in mexican fajitas makes my Tinnitus way lower. Hmmm
      1. New Guy likes this.
    3. GSC
      is your t still fading? i hope so
      1. Phendran likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. GSC
        I'm coping okay. Still have my ups and downs too. Trying to avoid as much loud noise as possible. I was just wondering how yours is going and hoping you kicked it in the ass for good.
        Apr 4, 2019
      4. john paul
        john paul
        unfortunately not no. I been having a bad time in general so just left the forum for a while. It still haunts me and holds me back socially but iv just accepted it a bit more now and starting to live my life as best i can. I just have to mask it at night apart from that i can cope most of the time. Stay strong, time is the only thing that can help.
        Apr 4, 2019
        GSC likes this.
      5. GSC
        i'm sorry man. you stay strong too.
        Apr 6, 2019
    4. dpdx
      How are you feeling now? Have you done an Audiogram? DPOAE? Speech in Noise?
      1. john paul
        john paul
        not done any tests, i have wax in ears so the NHS wont do a hearing test without cleaning my ears. Im not happy about having them cleaned for no reason. I feeling alright, some good days some not good days, cant put my finger on why im just hoping its part of the process. Just trying to be hopeful.
        Dec 26, 2018
        dpdx likes this.
    5. john paul
      john paul
      i need my ear cells fixing. :/
      1. Contrast likes this.
      2. Contrast
        me too.
        Nov 26, 2018
    6. john paul
      john paul
      smoked some pot last night, first time in months, life is slowly starting to get better.
      1. Manny, BadratDay and Nice like this.
      2. housemzk
        Did you notice any changes in your tinnitus after? Some people report a reduction for a few hours, while others say it increases their tinnitus.
        Aug 4, 2018
      3. john paul
        john paul
        Nothing negative happened. Iv tried in the past and it made everything worse for what seemed like days so have left it well alone. My Tinnitus is greatly improved at the moment so thought id have a go and all was good. I feel like i might finally be turning a corner.
        Aug 4, 2018
        JLong and housemzk like this.
    7. john paul
      john paul
      :D thanks man means a lot.
    8. Dem
      LoL, we are like tinnitus twins. Wish you the best :)
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    acoustic trauma