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Nov 3, 1988 (Age: 35)
Sask, Canada

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Member, Male, 35, from Sask, Canada

my TTTS is back the last 2 days and i don’t know why. i hate TTTS. Jun 15, 2024 at 6:07 AM

    1. cjbhab
      Maybe Neil Bauman was right when he said T sufferers don’t want to be cured because then it will get rid of the thing that makes them unique
      1. 4Grace and gameover like this.
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      3. BrOKeN_1
        That's Kray Kray!
        Dec 18, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and tpj like this.
      4. tpj
        @cjbhab yeah, I feel really special being tortured everyday. The guy is clueless.
        Dec 18, 2023
        ZFire and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
      5. L along the way
        L along the way
        Maybe there are some t sufferers who are like that... also ppl with other ailments who are like that... but speaking for myself.. if there were 2 buttons, one "heal t" and the other "have t" i would without hesitating one sec press the heal t button.. I think for 99% of t sufferers this would be so baumannnn
        Dec 18, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    2. cjbhab
      i feel like the only way to make a statement is take myself off this planet. but even then i’d just be forgotten in a week so no point.
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. MiaVIL
        Please don’t. You’re Canadian right? So am I. I am 2 hrs away from Michigan and holding out for the Susan Shore device.
        Dec 17, 2023
        gameover and RunningMan like this.
      3. cjbhab
        @MiaVIL for now i will have to keep battling. I am from Sask, but i will travel anywhere i need to go to try it. I hope it will be offered in California as that is where my family is. Praying it works.
        Dec 17, 2023
        gameover likes this.
    3. cjbhab
      oh and remember it’s not worthy of being a disorder it’s just a symptom of some other underlying issue that we don’t care about either lol
      1. 4Grace and gameover like this.
    4. cjbhab
      this site has 39,602 members. Most have mild T or their T has been solved. World population is what 7 billion? very niche disorder.
      1. 4Grace and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
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      3. crescentsky
        @Utdmad89 it's because i'm bitter and angry, but that's mostly because mine is not noise-trauma but events caused by two fuckers (i will not go into). Like @cjbhab in their post, more people = more research = hopefully speedy cure. But reality is just incredibly bleak and depressing.
        Dec 18, 2023
        4Grace likes this.
      4. RunningMan
        Sadly, research seems to never result in "speedy" cures. Years and years of it. Looks how long ago some of those research threads started, including the Shore device, which still isn't available.
        Dec 18, 2023
        4Grace likes this.
      5. Utdmad89
        It's 1 in 7. Just because you don't believe it doesn't make it untrue.
        Dec 18, 2023
        4Grace likes this.
    5. cjbhab
      they are putting less effort into fixing my T than the detroit pistons trying to win a basketball game lol.
      1. 4Grace and BrOKeN_1 like this.
    6. cjbhab
      maybe if they put as much effort into this as they did into trying to murder me with myocarditis we’d be in business lol
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    7. cjbhab
      thinking logically - why would i put in a bunch of research , time and money to help the 16 people who are suffering bad with this?
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    8. cjbhab
      i feel like most of the potential solutions in the research section don’t even have tinnitus in mind because who cares about tinnitus?
    9. cjbhab
      If susan shore doesn’t come through in any meaningful way, we will be devastated. it will be back to square one.
      1. 4Grace and gameover like this.
      2. RunningMan
        It's the long wait that sucks and not even knowing yet if it will help any one specifically. Maybe it will first be available somewhere within a year or two, but wide scale availability could drag out a lot longer.
        Dec 17, 2023
        4Grace likes this.
    10. cjbhab
      i’m on a rampage right now complaining and i wish everyone else was too lol
      1. 4Grace, gameover and crescentsky like this.
      2. Utdmad89
        Who? I thought only 16 people have this!?!
        Dec 17, 2023
      3. cjbhab
        @Utdmad89 you of course. but it seems like you are content to have T.
        Dec 18, 2023
      4. 4Grace
        I am your wish come true. Feel like I am going crazy today.
        Dec 18, 2023
    11. cjbhab
      it’s almost impossible to get T and i got it.
      1. 4Grace, SarahMLFlemmer and gameover like this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        Dec 17, 2023
      3. 4Grace
        I agree with this :( it is close to impossible. Some singers never get it. Concert after concert.
        Dec 18, 2023
    12. cjbhab
      worst spike ever. right ear going crazy cutting in and out with all sorts of sounds. can’t handle this.
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        Dang. =(
        Dec 17, 2023
      3. 4Grace
        Me and you together today. :( such BS. Watching people with no T. Looks beautiful. This condition is like no other. I feel like I could have handled anything else.
        Dec 18, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    13. cjbhab
      how is it just me and 8 people on the internet suffering with this affliction?
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. cjbhab
        @DeanD I can't imagine having T for 44 years, it is an inspiration that you have battled for so long. You have had T longer than i've been alive.
        Dec 18, 2023
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        @gameover is your friend's T from antibiotics somatic or no?
        Dec 18, 2023
      5. DeanD
        @cjbhab - loudness and pitch are everything. I used to call my old tinnitus loud. Although tbf one morning with my old tinnitus I went looking in the attic for a noise to find out my old t had worsened. Still never really bothered me.
        This version is 100 times louder!.... and is reactive, which is a massive difference. Stops me doing a lot, cant watch TV or listen to music, cant mask (even on a plane).
        Dec 18, 2023
        Joshua Macleod likes this.
    14. cjbhab
      I often dream about being one of those people whose T goes away after years for no apparent reason.
      1. Tryn2BHopeful
        It would be nice for it to go as mysteriously as it started.
        Dec 16, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      2. gameover
        2nd chance at life. Yup, we all want that.
        Dec 17, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Tryn2BHopeful like this.
      3. DeanD
        Would also be nice to read more success stories like these from old timers rather than the usual 'my friend, of a friend, who's dogs aunt's nephew's cousin's T just disappeared one day!'
        Dec 17, 2023
    15. cjbhab
      think i got food poisoning…
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        Dec 17, 2023
    16. cjbhab
      reading Dr. Nagler’s responses on this forum really make me wonder what kind of T he has.
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. cjbhab
        @gameover i don’t think he is phony, i just think he has mild T and can’t truly understand what some of us are actually going through. not his fault. no other doctors get it either
        Dec 17, 2023
        gameover likes this.
      4. BB23
        @gameover pretty much all he said was bullshit, he says mirtazapine is safe to take and tinnitus from it is a withdrawal symptom and goes away in 15 days. what a crock of shit. EVERYTHING HE SAID WAS A LIE.
        Dec 17, 2023
        cjbhab and gameover like this.
      5. cjbhab
        @BB23 can you blame him? none of his colleagues know anything either. They literally don’t know any better. T is not a thing. it is not something doctors are going to know about.
        Dec 17, 2023
        crescentsky and gameover like this.
    17. cjbhab
      was doing well but now in a spike so bad it is radiating pain to my stomach.. like how
    18. cjbhab
      If what I do on a daily basis for sound therapy worsens your T, you were already done for and I feel incredibly sad for you.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and 4Grace like this.
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      3. cjbhab
        @RunningMan the auditory input does not interfere with anything. it is so quiet that you only really notice it in a silent room. it helps turn my T right down though.
        Dec 10, 2023
        RunningMan likes this.
      4. cjbhab
        @RunningMan during sleep i do not wear them. i sleep with tv playing and rain noise.
        Dec 10, 2023
      5. RunningMan
        Thank you for that information.
        Dec 16, 2023
    19. cjbhab
      People make it sound like you are talking about putting an air raid siren in their home when you are talking about sound therapy.
      1. SharonBell likes this.
      2. SharonBell
        I have to have sound therapy all day and all night, don’t think I could survive without it. I have open ear earbuds I used for a while. It hust always sounded like my T was louder afterwards so I have just been using my phone and my sound machines for sound therapy. I had ordered maskers from treble health to start with and tried them out and they really did help.
        Dec 10, 2023
      3. SharonBell
        It was a 45 day trial so I sent them back.
        Dec 10, 2023
    20. SarahMLFlemmer
      Make today a good one!
      1. 4Grace and cjbhab like this.
    21. cjbhab
      i’m so tired of T being the center point of my life. Everything revolves around it. please medical community come up with something.
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      2. cjbhab
        @SarahMLFlemmer like an intervention? sounds awful. :( if only it were as simple as just saying okay i’ll get back to normal now.
        Dec 8, 2023
      3. cjbhab
        @4Grace this is bang on. if i’m not super cognizant of what i am doing, T will be a disaster fast. But if im also always worried about T that’s terrible and unenjoyable too.
        Dec 8, 2023
        4Grace and Juliane like this.
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        @cjbhab yeah, I guess you could call it an intervention. I think it was good for me though. I need a push in the right direction, even if it's hard. My kids need me.
        Dec 8, 2023
        cjbhab likes this.
    22. cjbhab
      if i stick to my daily routine, i don’t run into problems as much, but nobody wants me sticking to that routine.
      1. Charburchar and SharonBell like this.
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      3. cjbhab
        @Juliane you gotta play the game sometimes.. if you want to continue to be seen as favorable by management/colleagues. it is unfortunate but true - events like this matter.
        Dec 9, 2023
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        @Cjhab oh, got cha. I would still go to those things, but maybe I'm a little less afraid cause my T was medication induced?? Not sure.
        Dec 9, 2023
      5. Juliane
        @cjbhab Of course they do. I guess it all depends on how handicapped one is by T. For me, such events are not even an option
        Dec 13, 2023
    23. cjbhab
      I often read around here that sound therapy is not good for you. There couldn't be a bigger misconception IMO.
      1. SharonBell and BrOKeN_1 like this.
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      3. cjbhab
        @Utdmad89 I have battled with hyperacusis and reactive T. I actually believe following the protocols of TRT helped somewhat relieve my hyperacusis. Every one's experience is different though, T is such an unpredictable animal.
        Dec 9, 2023
        SharonBell and BrOKeN_1 like this.
      4. RunningMan
        @cjbhab How much are you using the sound therapy per day? Are you able to talk to people and watch TV with those providing their auditory input? Or always turning them off?
        Dec 9, 2023
      5. Deb Silva
        Deb Silva
        Did it effect your tinnitus I tried trt for 15 today and my tinnitus is so loud now . Did that happen to you too?
        Feb 25, 2024
    24. cjbhab
      it would solve a lot of problems for me and you if everyone else got T too. sorry to say.
      1. tpj likes this.
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      3. cjbhab
        @crescentsky if everyone had T, there would be a cure by Friday.
        Dec 4, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and crescentsky like this.
      4. Utdmad89
        No it wouldn't. I wouldn't wish this on anyone!
        Dec 9, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      5. cjbhab
        @Utdmad89 the way I view it is if everyone else got T, we'd either have a cure fast or i'd be on even footing with everyone else now. Tough luck for them I guess, to have to live like me. I'm told it's no big deal anyway.
        Dec 9, 2023
    25. cjbhab
      it’s hard to maintain relationships when people only want to go to loud restaurants and bars.
      1. HearingHell likes this.
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      3. Juliane
        It sure is. I might be a special case but I don't consider any of these things a loss anymore. I would never enjoy things like that ever again. And if people can't accept that, I guess they are not my friends.
        Dec 8, 2023
        4Grace likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        @4Grace Half of my family are practically deaf. They just yell back and forth at each other.
        Dec 9, 2023
        4Grace and BrOKeN_1 like this.
      5. 4Grace
        @kingsfan we all have so much in common. I hear people protecting. Even if I try it’s not possible.
        Dec 9, 2023
    26. cjbhab
      i’m at a restaurant having steak and lobster and it’s 69 db and i feel the need to wear earplugs. why do i think this is loud?
      1. SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      2. cyberspace
        Because it is
        Dec 2, 2023
      3. cjbhab
        only for us because we are terrified of making T worse. the general public can’t even hear something that is 69 decibels. lol
        Dec 2, 2023
        4Grace and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
      4. 4Grace
        I think we need to be okay in 69 decibel settings. Everything in life has risk. This has to be a small risk. I still want to know how anyone puts on ear plugs. With my T level it’s impossible. How loud is my T compared to others I wonder.
        Dec 3, 2023
    27. cjbhab
      what’s the verdict? is benadryl ototoxic. sometimes i feel like i don’t even have TTTS just liquid in the ears or something. maybe it helps?
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      2. cjbhab
        @BB23 okay so what is the solution to clear this up. i don’t believe there is no solution. im tired of hearing that lol
        Dec 1, 2023
      3. BB23
        @cjbhab apparently time and magnesium. If I can figure out a solution myself, I'll let you know, F this condition.
        Dec 2, 2023
      4. cjbhab
        @BB23 where did you stumble upon this information about lactic acid build up? just curious.
        Dec 9, 2023
    28. cjbhab
      Xenon stock is up 18% today. Why? Well, there was a news release today and it’s discussed here somewhere. RE: XEN-1101
    29. cjbhab
      read in the Susan Shore thread that they're planning a Q1/2024 submission to the FDA. This is great news. Evidence of moving forward.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
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      3. cjbhab
        At least something is happening. I’m very skeptical it is going to work but have hopes.
        Nov 28, 2023
      4. Juliane
        Is this covered by any news media?
        Nov 29, 2023
      5. cjbhab
        @Juliane not that I know of. I don’t think anybody cares about tinnitus. It’s just a tiny nuisance anyone can get used to overnight.
        Nov 30, 2023
    30. cjbhab
      Everytime I hear about someone else complaining about their health struggles … I think I’d give 100 grand to them if I could trade them.
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      2. cyberspace
        Everyday non T struggles also become made 100x harder if you have T though
        Nov 27, 2023
        Juliane, PennyCat, tpj and 2 others like this.
      3. Juliane
        Same. Even with cancer there is a chance of getting better.
        Nov 27, 2023
        gameover likes this.
      4. Utdmad89
        Suffering is relative
        Dec 9, 2023
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  • About

    Nov 3, 1988 (Age: 35)
    Sask, Canada
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Sinuses, Ear infection