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Clinical Investigation on the Acoustic Stimulation in the Treatment of Chronic Tinnitus

There are many treatments for chronic tinnitus that have been claimed, with varying degrees of statistical reliability. None of those treatments can eradicate the tinnitus completely. Some therapies can reduce the tinnitus symptoms (loudness, annoyance) up to 30%. Thus there is still a need of new treatments that can reduce considerably the tinnitus symptoms and improve the QOL of subjects.
Trial objectives:
  • The aim of this trial is the improvement of the QOL (quality of live) by reducing the Tinnitus- Symptoms of the patient.
  • To confirm the efficacy and safety of the coordinated reset technology.
These objectives will be assessed:
  • By subjective and objective measurements of the Tinnitus symptoms, loudness and annoyance.
Enrollment: 63
Tinnitus Talk
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