Another Tinnitus Newbie

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by undecided, Jul 8, 2014.

    1. undecided

      undecided Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey all,

      Just wanted to say hi, i recently found your interesting forum and decided to join in the "fun" :)

      I'm 37, I have been having constant tinnitus for the last 3+ months.
      It is of the high pitched variety, sometimes it's a bit loud, sometimes not so much - but always very distracting and my brain seems constantly focused on it.
      Going to work in the morning makes it worst, calming down and working out during the evening makes it better.
      Caused me a slight depression lately (my thyroid condition attributed to that), went to a neurologist, gave me a bit of Lexotanil (xanax-like drug) which makes me a bit indifferent to the tinnitus and a nice anti-depressant (Valdoxan) which is actually an excellent sleeping aid.

      Tinnitus was apparently caused by stress, went to 2-3 ENTs who found nothing wrong with my hearing, my audio-gram is normal, ears ok, MRI showed nothing worrying, blood test all ok. Yet here i am!

      I actually had some extremely mild tinnitus since i was a kid (sinus issues, lots of antibiotics back then etc). Never bothered me as it was almost always covered by even the slightest outside noise. Nowdays it's nothing like before.

      Well, that's my story so far... Hope the forum helps while trying to habituate this condition!
      • Funny Funny x 1
    2. theekarwash

      theekarwash Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise and/or Ear Infeciton
      Welcome to TT!

      When I went to my audiologist, she said that her friend had stress induced tinnitus for 2/3 months and then it just cleared up as she didn't concentrate on it. Try to keep an open mind, mask the noise and just try to live life. It may or may not go, but once you keep a positive attitude, what does it matter if it goes or not. If it goes; great, happy days. If it doesn't; sure, it sucks, but at least you'll appreciate that you can hear in the first place and you'll be more aware of hearing protection in the future. Try to keep up a positive attitude. I'd recommend sleeping with a fan on in the room, it's like magic.
      • Like Like x 1
    3. AUTHOR

      undecided Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Yeah, i guess there's a small chance it might just go away at some point.
      Or it might hang in there.
      Whatever the case, I'm just glad that my tinnitus mostly bothers me during work and kinda becomes unimportant as the day goes by. I find myself habituated by night and bothered during daytime lol

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