Anybody Interested in Writing a Review for My New Book "A Positive Tinnitus Story"

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by J Cowan Hill, Oct 31, 2014.

    1. J Cowan Hill

      J Cowan Hill Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Dear Tinnitus Talk

      I have just published a shorter self-help Tinnitus book on Kindle in an attempt to help those out there trying to make progress with this condition amidst a sea of negative messages.

      It is called:

      A Positive Tinnitus Story
      How I Let Go of Tinnitus the Natural Way

      It is only 22 pages long.
      If anyone is interested in reading it and writing a review, please could you contact me on and I will send you a free copy.

      I only launched it yesterday - 30th Oct 2014. You can find the book on the Amazon bookshelf here:

      Amazon US

      Amazon UK

      Is this the best place to put this in the website? I am still learning how to navigate around this space.

      Best wishes

      Julian Cowan Hill
    2. bwspot

      bwspot Member

      Tinnitus Since:
    3. bwspot

      bwspot Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I purchased your book.
      It is nice story and it shows that one can overcome T, but I feel like I got more info from your website then from your little book. There should be more guidelines there and examples.
      The book leaves me with a though that T can be cured through relaxation.
      But not all are equal and not everyone here on this forum can accomplish what you did?
    4. AUTHOR
      J Cowan Hill

      J Cowan Hill Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks for your feedback.
      I thought I would put a simpler book out there on Amazon as it is a huge interface.
      Then from this book I would then direct people towards the more in-depth book and information on my website which maps out a path to recovery with techniques and a framework charting people's recovery.

      If you email me I can send you a copy of the more in-depth book.

      I think the book is available in several countries.

      Relaxation is a general word for what needs to happen.
      Coming out of fight or flight describes a more specific process.
      Lowering adrenaline is part of what needs to happen.

      Craniosacral therapy was the approach that helped me achieve a cure for tinnitus - but it was not a quick fix - more like a gradual improvement over 6 months.

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