Anybody Trying to Cope with Tinnitus and Menopause?

Discussion in 'Support' started by noisebox, Sep 21, 2015.

    1. noisebox

      noisebox Member

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      West End show. Came back 2015 vitamin D overdose prescribed
      I'm struggling with both new tinnitus and hyperacusis and the menopause which also followed months of stress and now depression.

      I guess I'm a text book case for tinnitus coming back bad but I'm so struggling. I cant control my anxiety if its menopause related or hormone related I'm on a crazy unstable roller coaster and can see no way out.

      Menopause can last for years and I can't see how I can habituate again if I'm so very unstable.
      I've put up my antidepressants which in turn makes anxiety worse before it makes it better. This is just hell.
    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Hi noisebox....
      With you on the Menopause... grrr I'm 50.

      Glad to hear you have put up your anti depressants and that will help you as it builds up in your system.
      You could ask your doctor for a low dose anxiety pill like Lorazepam 1mg to take as needed for two weeks while your body builds up on the ADs.

      Do what you can to relax. Have nice treats and remember you're worth all the spoiling. Getout in the fresh air all you can.

      Ask your doctor about vitamin D blood test and iron as both can cause low moods if they are low.

      Keep posting for support and always happy talk with you... lots of love glynis.
    3. Deniseh

      Deniseh Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2019
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Possibly b12/folic acid deficiency and GERD
      So getting to that age where I’m overheating at night, no sweats... yet...
      but it’s waking me up and when this happens then I hear my tinnitus twice as loud which then keeps me awake, it’s a vicious circle.

      Anyway have any of you lovely ladies or gents discovered any natural remedies for this which doesn’t irritate your tinnitus?

      Denise x

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