Anyone Have Concha Bullosa in Their Sinuses? Was Yours Tinnitus Related?

Discussion in 'Support' started by 3dots, Apr 9, 2021.

    1. 3dots

      3dots Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi everyone... a little background on me. I have had tinnitus for years but it was only while sleeping and I'd pop my ears and it would disappear. Sometime in the last 4-6 months it has become constant. I've identified several different frequencies. My left side has a constant and very loud high pitched sound. Along with that I have a lower pitched rumbling sound that occasionally pulses. On the right side, I have a a quieter almost constant high pitched sound. I also have constant stuffiness and pressure in my left sinus. I get frequent infections there and frequently have headaches.

      Recently I visited an ENT who had me try some nasal corticosteroids to see if that would help but it has not, so yesterday they had me to a CT and CTA.

      The results came back as having "Prominent concha bullosa are noted in the middle turbinates". I haven't heard from the doctor regarding this yet but was wondering if anyone had this and found it was the cause of their tinnitus? Dr. Google doesn't give me much.


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