Can Someone Tell Me What I Have? Reactive Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Johannes Bieniek, Apr 7, 2015.

    1. Johannes Bieniek

      Johannes Bieniek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey guys,
      Im a 17 year old student and got my T 3 days ago. Atleast i think its T. What the strange thing is, is that i can barely hear it in silence, but as soon as there is any noise, the T's volume rises to slightly above the volume if what im hearing.

      Normal T volume is 1/100
      When noise is at 50/100 my T goes up to 51/100

      Im not sure if this is H, something else, or even T.

      It's only my left ear and the T is a pretty high pitched beep. The base level it has can rise aswell. Sometimes it goes up to 10/100 at no noise and then to 60/100 at 50/100 noise. I hope you can tell me what strange thing that is. And its ONLY the T noise getting louder, not what im hearing in general. Sometimes i cant even hear it at all, so noise doesnt increase it aswell. Its pretty weird and im going to see and ENT today, but sometimes people that have it themself are better at helping, than a doctor, so i ask before i take any action.

      Btw im not suicidal or depressed about this, its just pretty annoying, and if you know what i can do to restore my normal hearing i would appreciate it, but i wont freak out if you tell me that there is nothing i could do.

    2. uncle vikin

      uncle vikin Member

      nashville tennessee
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Subjective tinnitus r ear cause ( unknown)
      It is called Hyperacusis or reactive Tinnitus.It means exactly what you said when you you hear certain sounds it makes the ringing or hissing react to it and your ears become over sensitive look at post from Danny boy and Vikin they take keppra and trobalt.They say it works for them.
    3. AUTHOR
      Johannes Bieniek

      Johannes Bieniek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @uncle vikin so at this moment i dont hear my tinnitus at all, neither does it get boosted by certain noise, but im almost certain it'll come back in the course of the day. is that normal?
    4. lapidus

      lapidus Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      No, reactive tinnitus and hyperacusis is not the same. They are two different things, but they do acompany each other quite often. Hyperacusis is decreased sound tolerance and sound induced pain. If you have hyperacusis, you will know it, because it causes physical pain.
    5. AUTHOR
      Johannes Bieniek

      Johannes Bieniek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      so what i have is reactive tinnitus then! but how does it come i dont have it right now at all? and im listening to medium lvl sound right now.
    6. Or everything will sound amplified. You dont always have pain with Hyperacusis.
    7. [QUOTE="Johannes Bieniek, post: 105221, member: 8718"at i have is reactive tinnitus then! but how does it come i dont have it right now at all? and im listening to medium lvl sound right now.[/QUOTE]
      No one knows does sound like reactive T. Mine comes and goes when my H is bad.
      Just have to wait and see what happens..careful around loud noises! (plug your ears) no bars, concerts etc..for now..

      How did this start for you?
    8. AUTHOR
      Johannes Bieniek

      Johannes Bieniek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      i was sitting around in my room, looking at my new pc that i just built. it was the moment i overclocked it and wanted to start it and had a moment of panic when it first didnt. first i thought my cpu couldnt handle the overclock and made the weird noise, but turning my pc off and unpluging it didnt change anything. that was around sturday afternoon. since then it comes and goes, is reactive and not, swaps ears, changes pitch... its very distracting.
    9. AUTHOR
      Johannes Bieniek

      Johannes Bieniek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      was just at the doctor and my hearing is perfect.
    10. PaulBe

      PaulBe Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably sound, though never proven
      Often the case with Hyperacusis. Unfortunately you'll find that many ENT's rely on the hearing test results to bail them out of dealing with your real issue. For many of us its not hearing loss its hearing quality.
    11. 1MW
      No Mood

      1MW Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      2008 but cured and relapsed from benzos
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noisy pcs aggravate this condition because they produce HF constant noise. For this reason i made all my pcs with passive cooling 0db noise.

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