Could an Antibiotic (Cephalexin) Have Caused TTTS?

Discussion in 'Support' started by EmmaC59, Feb 26, 2020.

    1. EmmaC59

      EmmaC59 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      5 weeks ago I had cracking / popping in my left ear during a cold. Ear cleared up when my cold went away.

      2 weeks later, I started having fluttering / thumping noises in my left ear, exactly like a muscle twitching.

      I was on day 10 of taking the antibiotic Cephalexin at a high dose for an unrelated matter. Stopped taking antibiotic on day 15 as I thought this might be causing the issue.

      Since stopping, my ear has got a lot worse. The fluttering / thumping is almost 24 hours a day and keeping me up at night. I also get short bursts of ringing in both ears every other day.

      Prior to this, I had no problems with my ears, no sensitivity to noise and there was no loud impact that could have set it off. There is no pattern to the thumping - I can be in complete silence and it will be just as bad as when I’m watching TV.

      Could the antibiotic have caused this?

      Tinnitus isn’t listed as a side effect but I can’t see any other reason for this happening...

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