Crying Triggering Low Frequency Hearing Loss and Low Pitched Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Coyotesheaven, Feb 2, 2017.

    1. Coyotesheaven

      Coyotesheaven Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I still have an enigma I am trying to figure out with my ears.
      So recent ideas for my chronic nervous system problems include chemical exposures, neck muscles pushing on nerves or arteries, and a hyper-reactive CNS.
      Whatever it is, my ears are still reacting and get dull from so many triggers, one of which is feeling despair and emotional devastation and physically expressing it.

      I got really upset today and started crying after having my vestibular system f**cked by my earplugs, and well, my life being in pieces in general. I know it is extremely dangerous for my ears if I even get slightly upset, but this is unprecedented. 5 seconds of crying in my ears did result in sudden hearing loss and a bit of vertigo today, as it has done nearly every other time I have cried over the past 4 months or so.
      I will have reduced hearing in my low frequencies and my ears will just feel off, like there was something inside of either of them . I usually, strangely enough, don't notice a change in the high pitches.

      I have been losing my low frequencies (about 200 db and below) relatively rapidly over the past 5 months, about 20-30 db in the right ear and 15-25 in the right ear; emotional distress isn't the only cause but it is a strong contributor.

      Any ideas as to what the hell might be going on?!
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Jkph75

      Jkph75 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Idk what it is but the same thing happens to me. When I get upset sometimes this low foghorn will either start or get really loud. I have tested my hearing when the low noise gets louder and it doesn't actually do anything to my low frequency hearing. It would be interesting to see what is actually happening to yours on an audiogram.

      I have been told that I have some sort of instability if my neck, back, and shoulder area. I can't recall the technical name. Basically, my ligaments, tendons, etc are jello from having my kids and already having them be jello like to begin with. My muscles are not working properly and consequently the bones in this entire region are sliding all over the place. Then, my sternocleidomastoid muscle is extremely tense apparently. My chiropractor and pt said that this could be causing my symptoms. Idk if this is really the case or not but you may want to look into it since we share so many symptoms. I started pt yesterday and will be seeing my chiropractor regularly. I'll let you know if I make any progress. Hang in there:)
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    3. AUTHOR

      Coyotesheaven Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      Yea, sounds like that could be a good theory as to what is going on with your ears. Would your condition happen to be cervical dystonia? The SCM can cause many ear disturbances if the tension is extreme and continuous. But the scalenes, and those in the TMJ area, can also contribute; not many people know about that but those muscles can compress nerves or do worse if they start acting abnormally. Neck problems and general do not always bode well for ear health :/. But I hope they are able to help you!
      Another thing you should ask your PT is if they have cold, low level laser therapy to apply to the neck area. It actually did relax my muscles for a whole day when I used it, which was a miracle granted they are always stiff as steel.

      I am having all kinds of problems with my neck muscles and bones too; all of them are suffocatingly tight, and my neck is starting to get a backwards, yes backwards curve in the C-spine and is otherwise completely straight. All of my neck muscles can easily going into spasm from sudden movements, laughing, coughing, etc. My upper spine is also acting weird; my back was in an odd position all my life, but now my lower spine is totally straight, and my shoulders are curved forward. After sleeping with too many pillows the other day, my mandible has also severely retracted into my face and jaw...feels horrible.
      I am pretty confident these combined problems are screwing with my eustachian tubes and/or inner ears. Nobody knows why it is happening to me. Could be the autism screwing up motor activity and muscle tension, as tight muscles are a thing with autism and I've had it in my calves and ankles before. I also had a fall in May and severe physical stresses a year ago that seem to exacerbate symptoms. Sleeping on my back has additionally seemed to have done something bad; I always sleep with my chin tucked into my chest. I would always sleep on my side in the past, but my muscles are so tight now that they will now compress blood vessels and cause hearing and vestibular problems, as well as tremors and migrainy stuff if I were to do it :/.

      I am also pursuing physical therapy, but not chiropractic care. The latter was too scary for me, and could have led to serious side effects. I am getting botox in a week as well for my SCM, Scalenes, and possibly another muscle, which is also scary; I've just had it all the trauma this illness has caused me, so it must be done.

      Do let me know if you happen to get relief from either treatment you are pursuing. I am growing more and more convinced that we have a similar condition, possibly the same one, so I think we can help each other out.
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