Describe Your Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Emma, Feb 25, 2013.

    1. Emma

      Emma Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Please answer the questions below. Check others' responses first so you can see how to format your answers.

      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?

      6.) How loud is the sound?

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?

      I noticed a lot of new members have joined recently and in a lot of posts, it will be asked, how someone's tinnitus was caused or what it sounds like, maybe this can be a little repository for that type of info.
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    2. erik

      erik Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Washington State, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/15/2012 or earlier?
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Most likely hearing loss
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      Right side sometimes but mostly inside head

      3.) Is there oonly one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Multiple sounds. Yes different sounds on different sides of my head if I plug my ears.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      electrical, hissing, static, humming

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Sometimes 1/10, sometimes 7/10, fluctuates

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      I did for first 6 months, if I do now it is very mild at best

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      I did for first several months, not any more

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      anxiety, stress and possible mild hearing loss in very upper frequencies not detected on standard audiogram
    3. Mahdi
      No Mood

      Mahdi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      coming from the ear and left side of the head

      3.) Is there oonly one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      fluctuating and varying sounds

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      yes. it feels like sparkling

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      hissing, chirping, ringing, whistling and .....

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      it fluctuates between 5/10

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      yes, but it's related to my allergic rhinitis which also aggravates my T

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      i lost my high frequencies serving the god-damned army
    4. mick

      mick Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      Mostly right, but I hear it in the left, too - its just a little lower volume there.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      Coming from inside my head.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Mostly it is one high pitched sound with a tiny bit of warbling (almost like a bunch of cicadas recorded on tape with tape played back at 3 or 4 times normal speed). Occassionally, I get two tones: the very high pitched one I normally hear plus a another one at a much lower frequency. The lower pitched tone does not last very long - maybe 30 minutes at most - then goes a way for a few days.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      I feel a very very tiny bit of vibration, and sometime my ears hurt deep within.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      Electric, very fast chirping.

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Varies. At its worst it seems like it is the volume of a high pressure steam leak - loud enough that it would be hard to hear someone talk if I were standing next to such a steam leak, but in reality it does not impair my ability to hear at all. I suspect if there were a way to actually measure the volume it would not measure as loud as a steam leak. Interestingly for me, if I put my fingers in my ears, the volume does not exceed the volume of the rumbling that I also hear when I do that, and that rumbling does not seem that loud. So, I think what I'm saying is, the volume I perceive is greater than reality.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      Yes. Worse on somedays than others.

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      Yes, both.

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      I think either stress damaged my high frequency hearing, or my high frequency hearing was already damaged, and stress kicked my nervous system in this hyper sensitive state where I now hear what I formerly did not. I have no doubt that the source of tinnitus is overactive neurons. Whether the neurons become hyper active from just the hearing damage, or something else, is where the mystery is in my opinion. I know many people who have a measurable hearing loss, but no tinnitus, so it seems to me there has to be more to it than hearing loss.
    5. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      It comes from the ears, but sometimes I have the central T feeling.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Both ears have high-pitched ringing, but it also varies a bit. It has this tiny melody to it, hard to describe. It's not a smooth tone as such. Left ear has an additional clicking noise, which I only hear in quiet surrounding.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      eeee maybe? I suck at describing it.

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      I can hear it over tv/music, but most days it doesn't annoy me, not anymore. It's hard to say how loud it is. But compared to the fleeting tinnitus phenomenon I get weekly, a VERY LOUD high-pitched ringing for 10-30 seconds, mine is maybe half of that. Thank goodness.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Ear syringing.
    6. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      The right ear only.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      It seems to be coming from the ear.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      There are multiple sounds, and they come from the right ear only.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      Yes. It feels like a swirling sort of motion in the right side of my head. Sometimes it feels and sounds like a windstorm in my head.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      The sounds include hissing, high-pitched electrical ringing, and heartbeat sound. The heartbeat sound is more of a pounding drumbeat than a "whoosh".

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      On a scale of 1 to 10, it is usually about a 5 - 7 most days.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      I already had mild tinnitus, plus some high-range hearing loss. Then, after I took a blood pressure drug, the ringing increased to a very loud ringing/hissing sound, and the pulsating started. It has been going on for almost 3 years now.
    7. aurelientt

      aurelientt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      Usually just the right ear but upon waking in the morning it is usually global. It then subsides to just the right ear over the course of the day. This cycle repeats.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      Right ear and side of the head usually. Mornings it seems to come from right in the middle of my head.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Most of the time multiple sounds with one dominant. This is particularly true when I wake up in the morning. The dominant sound is similar to a dentist drill.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      It is a high-pitched whine accompanied most of the time by a sound similar to either cicadas or static.

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      On a scale of 1 to 10, at its best a 3. Usually it starts the day at a 6 or 7 and then slowly subsides to a 4 or 5 until bedtime, the cycle then repeats.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      Yes, but it has lessened.

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      I am a long-time MP3 player user. Lots of loud music. So I usually point to that, but I am not entirely sure.
    8. Rich

      Rich Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      few years i think
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      I think both.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      From my ears.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      I think its one constant sound. Sometimes it sounds like the outside world is messing with what I think is a sound outside or my ears.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      my ears feels popping when I swallow and irratating.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      It's up there but not HORRIBLE I guess.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      A what?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      ear pain, yes.

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      meds and I think loud music.
    9. Suresh

      Suresh Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      right ear only.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      it is coming from the ear.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Mostly one sound with small humming

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      eeeeeeeeeeeee sound

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      it is 5/10 to 7/10

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      Don't know

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Earlier i got ear infection right side
    10. mike

      mike Member

      Franklin ohio
      Tinnitus Since:
      1 1/2 months
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      multiple sounds

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      hissing, electric, static ,eeee' sound

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Mine goes up and down. 2 days very low 2-3 out of 10. 5 days anywhere from 8-10 out of a 10. Then the cycle will start over again. It had seemed that it to have got better.But then it went back up again. Had it over a year now.Sometimes I will go 3 to 4 days low. Than back up again.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      I have had it been then it got better

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      No, Not for the most part.

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Don't know.Tried to figure it out but can't
    11. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      tinnitus appears about 3/4ths left ear 1/4th right

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      seems to come from the ear

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      multiple sounds an diferent left vs right

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      originally a "fullness like water in the ear canal , but thats long since gone

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      definitely the big EEEEEEEEEE, like around 8 or 9hz, mostly in left ear, a hisssss both ears, louder in left, in right ear only, a fax machine or morse code sound , and then occasional pure tones of various frequencies mostly above 4k

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      it varies every day and hour to hour within a range , at its worst the EEEE sound is as loud as somebody whistling within a foot of my ear, the hissss is like tuning between radio stations where the volume was ok when tuned into an average station, the fax-morse code is less than half as loud as the other sounds i "hear"

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      used to, way back, but now , no not really, but whn i hear a loud noise i react by protecting my ears, and i over react emotionally to loud noise

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      yep often my ear aches and i get head aches that move around the skull from top to sides to around the eyes

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      combination ototoxic meds and at the same time noise exposure

      10.) Does your tinnitus drive you crazy?
      yes...but, its a short drive
      ok i made the last question up ;) but the answer is true !
    12. Louise

      Louise Member Benefactor

      Yorkshire, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      Ears mostly but sometimes full head also.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Multiple sounds in both ears.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      I still sometimes feel the fullness sensation in the ear (actually this has stopped a lot since I started taking Clonazepam).

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      Electric, static, dentists drill, chirping

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Its hard to say.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      Recently only I have some ear pain.

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Noise exposure.
    13. Fish

      Fish Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2012
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      Both, mainly right ear

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head?

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      A different pitched tone in each ear

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      Hard to describe... I can hear and feel a "roaring" sensation in my right ear if I do a certain motion

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      "eeee" sound

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Most of the time 3/10. Sometimes 5/10. It fluctuates a lot again!

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      seldom headaches

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      - cipro antibiotic
      - upper neck lordosis
      - TMJ?

      one of the above probably
    14. Mike in PA

      Mike in PA Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      left, pulsatile but sometimes both which is not pulsatile

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      The ear with pulsatile but middle with both

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sound? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Multiple, the pulsatile is one sound and when its both its different. I also get on occasion a 20 - 30 second high pitch ring that will fade occasionally...weird and scary sometimes. I wonder whats going on in my head?

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      With pulsatile no but more recently occasionally I'll get a stiff neck, back of head may hurt, ears feel full and clogged and both ears may be ringing constant but lower volume than the pulsatile.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      Ugh...not sure...I guess a hissing electrical sound around 12,000 Hz

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      not very I don't notice it during the day but pulsatile can be loud especially when I lean my head or sleep on that side.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      Yes, I have but I haven't noticed it in a while and it's not as sensitive.

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      The pulsatile started during a very bad sinus infection back in 2008. This other sound with neck/head and ear stuffiness started this past August, maybe due to to allergies...not surebut that comes and goes the pulsatile is always there. I'm a teacher in an old school that doesn't have the best behaved kids (dirty dusty and lots of yelling and noise, stress etc...) sometimes I wonder if that has contributed.
    15. Lucy

      Lucy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      Right all the time and sometimes in the left.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      From my ears and sounds at the back of my head sometimes on the right and then the noise will switch to the left.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Different sounds.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      Hissing, roaring, buzzing (which is the heartbeat).

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      The hissing and buzzing are not too loud the roaring is tremendously loud.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis.?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Probably because I worked in an extremely noisy workplace for 20 years.
    16. Sybs

      Sybs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      Mostly left.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      Mainly the ears but sometimes central back of head.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds?
      Are there different sounds in each ear? Different sounds. Usually ringing or hissing in right ear but mainly hissing and whistling in left ear. Usually louder in left ear.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      Sometimes I get pains in ears and sometimes pressure pain behind left ear on skull.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      Hissing, ringing, high-pitched whistling. Sometimes ringing is intense like millions of crickets.

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Some days it feels quite overwhelming but other days it is very low and easy to forget about.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      Not sure till I see an ENT specialist.

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      I really wish I knew! Doc thinks it could be Zoloft (but I've been on it for 3 years so not sure that it would come on now). She has suggested coming off it.
    17. Chicken

      Chicken Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 2011
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      sometimes eeee, hissing, electric

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      during the day I don't hear it mostly - only at night when I sleep

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      had it before, but much better

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Severe TMJ, Stress
    18. Lord of the Ring

      Lord of the Ring Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      It started out in the right ear, but lately (2-3 weeks) it is in both ears.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      That's a tricky question. First of all, I find it almost always difficult to determine whether the sound if in my ears or in my head. Secondly, I hear 2 sounds. The 'white noise' I hear is more from the centre backside of the head, while the hissing sound is more in the right ear.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Two sounds: white, static noise and a hiss. The hiss is not always there (but has been with me the last couple of days)

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      No, not really. When I drive my car, my right ear gives me the impression of being 'clogged', even on flat roads.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      White, static noise and hissing.

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Hahahaha. Beats me! What's your criteria? Too loud is probably the only answer that fits your question.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Spending too much time on tinnitus forums caused my tinnitus...
      No, sorry, bad joke. Excessive sound during a 6 hour DJ set caused it. Although I must say I take this blood pressure drug for over 2 years now and we all know these babies ain't good for ya ears.
    19. Deep

      Deep Member

      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      Both, sometimes louder in right, it changes.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      Definitely perceive the sound coming from the ears.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Can't really say, I am in my first 3 - 4 months. I have noticed fluctuation in pitch I think.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *KCHEEEEE* *silence* "Oh wait I cured!"... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Let's just say I forget about it mostly during the day when I am out and about.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      Yes, no. Have it sometimes, recently has been much better, some days I do not experience at all.

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      No, although sometimes I experience a brief aching in the inner ear for about a second, but I reckon everyone experiences this, sufferer or not.

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      There are many possibilities; Hits to the head I have taken in past, nervous system traumatic noise exposure, slight hearing loss to the very high frequencies, loud sports and jobs.
    20. Hudson

      Hudson Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      Tinnitus "started" from going to a rock concert years ago. My left ear rang really loudly for 3 days at a pitch around 4k probably. On the fourth day, I woke up and it was gone. Now it is a static/hiss sound from inside my head and my ears generally feel full.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      Definitely inside the head now. I can remember years ago, before my tinnitus "started" being out hunting with my dad. I hadn't fired a shot that day, or any days before that and I can remember plugging my ears in the dead silence of the forest and hearing the tiniest static sound. I feel like what I have now is that amplified because of lack of input or something.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      One sound. The high pitched static hissing sound. Occasionally I get a transient ringing in the lower tones that lasts for about 30 seconds but that goes away.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound? Lately I have had my left ear have what I think is Tensor Tympani Syndrome... I can feel it twitch if someone talks loud or there's a clanging of a dish. I think that's probably due to my anxiety about sounds right now and will go away when my anxiety lessens.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      Hissing/Static. Similar to an old CRT TV, the static sound that would be on when you turned it on before the sound kicked in.

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      I'm not really sure. It used to be a little quieter than it is now.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      I guess if my left ear responding to some louder sounds is hyperacusis, then yes. But I expect that to diminish over time.

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      Ear pain rarely, headaches never.

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Exposure to loud sounds.
    21. Map

      Map Member Benefactor

      Czech Republic
      Tinnitus Since:
      8/2003 (mild), 12/2012 (loud), 11/2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      90% right, 10% left

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      From the ears. But sometimes I have feeling it is somewhere behind the head.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      Multiple sounds.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      Sometimes I feel slight pressure in ears, but very rarely.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      It is high-pitched EEEE sound about 3,5 Khz, accompanied by sounds like electricity or hiss. I hear something like chirping electical waves or dentist drill sounds which comes randomly every few seconds too. Hard to describe.

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Its 3/10 when its best. Usually is 5-7/10, I can hear it very often during the day, even in quite noisy environments like pubs or streets with car traffic. It is better in the morning, when the day subsides, volume increases.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?
      Slight, but it is improving in time.

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      I had mild tinnitus since 2013 probably noise induced. On 12/2012 I worsened it by noise exposure again. Than it exacerbated again in 2/2013 either by benzo withdrawal or my stress/anxiety/depression or maybe just spontaneously, not sure.
    22. claygi

      claygi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?

      Both, but sounds louder in the left ear.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)? Inside head , mainly left side.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?

      Both have the "after concert" buzzing sound. Then there is a hum in the left ear, with occasional Morse code is the right.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?


      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?

      See number 3

      6.) How loud is the sound?

      Pretty loud as of a week ago. Like I have been at a concert , permanently.

      7.) Do you have Hypercasus

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?


      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Originally, loud music. Now, I'm not sure, because my Hearing is lessened in my left ear. My internist is sending me town audiologist for testing and then for a detailed MRI. He mentioned a possible acoustic nueroma. It's a nightmare.
    23. Frayact

      Frayact Member

      Greensboro, NC
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      1.) What ear(s) is your T in?
      Both ears with an emphasis on my right.

      2.) Would you describe the sound as coming from the ear or do you find it is coming from inside your head (and where in the head- middle, side, back. etc.)?
      Inside my head, but occasionally both ears.

      3.) Is there only one sound, or multiple sounds? Are there different sounds in each ear?
      I have a high-pitched hissing sound and a low-frequency hum.

      4.) Do you feel a sensation in your ears or head in addition to hearing a sound?
      Yes. The humming noise feels like a vibration or electric current and is very painful.

      5.) Can you describe the sound(s) - hissing, electric, static on a radio, "eeee' sound, chirping, heartbeat?
      High-pitched hissing and the sound of a propeller plane flying around in my head.

      6.) How loud is the sound?
      Hissing is noticeable some of the time. Humming is very loud.

      7.) Do you have hyperacusis?

      8.) Do you have ear pain or headaches?
      Headaches - very rarely. Ear pain - probably a phantom pain from the humming.

      9.) What do you think caused the T?
      Depression, anxiety.

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