Does Anyone Know If a Barbiturate Will Reduce Benzo Induced Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by JasonP, Dec 27, 2017.

    1. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Below is a picture of the Gaba receptor. When I first took klonopin it would lower tinnitus. The drug binds at the benzodiazpine site. Unfortunately, after I withdraweled, I got static tinnitus. I have no idea if that is from the GABA receptor or not. What I want to know is if the benzodiazpine site is damaged causing the GABA neuron not to work will the barbiturate site work to enact the GABA receptor and reduce the tinnitus? The reason I am asking is because I asked my psychiatrist to prescribe me a barbirtuate and she wouldn't do it. She said that that isn't a psychiatric drug!! I tried to convince her it was and she said her pet took but wouldn't prescribe it for me. She is a nice woman though so don't take as I think she is a bad person. I really like her. She said she didn't know of any evidence that it would reduce tinnitus. Perhaps if someone on here knew if it did I could print it out and show her. Also, correct me if I am wrong but isn't a barbiturate a pshyciatric drug? If it is not I definitely owe her an apology for saying it was.


      What I am not sure is if the reason the klonopin stopped working is because the whole receptor is damaged ot it downregulated or just the benzo site is bad OR if it is some kind of glutamate excitation going on because of the reduced klonopin. My plan and maybe this is absolutely crazy was to take a barbiturate to see if it worked. If it did I wanted to try it and very slowly get off of it in the hopes that the benzo site would heal. Maybe that's wishful thinking and it might not work but if I could know I could at least rule it out.

      Please understand that barbiturates can be dangerous and can kill people if overdosed or combined with alcohol. This is not a drug of choice. I think psychiatrists are trying to prescribe benzos or something else besides barbiturates (I have heard doctors say benzos are "safer" than barbiturates) but if you have used this in the paste please tell. To all the regular people on here I don't recommend this drug.

      BTW, if you know of a "neurosteroid" that I could get to activate the GABA receptor on the neurosteroid site (listed as steroid site in the graphic) I would love to know!

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