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Down Again... A Spike After the Plane Journey Two Days After?


Apr 4, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
earplugs/ hearing loss
I don't know what I'm expecting..Just need to write about it I guess hoping that if I do things will get better again. I had been doing quite fine of late. Not because I habituated , but because the noise calmed down a bit. Everything is in its level. I managed to be happy again no matter I had T, but as I said, only because it was bearable and because I had silent quite silent mornings most of the times and if I didn't hear it outside , I was already happy. However, I'm experiencing a spike now..It's been four days. My T has always been mostly a hissing kind a bit all over the head. If before I felt like I had a thousand of tiny explosions in the brain per second, now it feel like twice more of them and sometimes I simply find it unbearable. The thing is I took a plane 6 days ago. It was the 4th time since my T, 2 h 15 min flight and all the time either with earplanes or with earplugs. I'm pretty sure I didn't experience any barotrauma, I 'd notice sth I guess. I popped two NAC on the day of the journey and one morning after. I had a spike right after the flight and until the end of that day but I didn't worry since I was mostly extremely tired after a few short nights during holidays. And indeed, after a good night sleep T seemed ok. One more morning and day without changes but I guees it was on Thursday evening I noticed sth 's different and that hasn't changed since. I'm once more deeply depressed . I'd tried not to panic and just wait but today, 4th day on I feel like I lost control over my life again. I 'm only waiting for the days to finish to be able to go to sleep and hoping to wake up with almost silence again. Before any worsening didn't last more than one, two days maximum. Good sleep doesn't help, nor does magnesium, melissa, hydroxizine that I take once every 3 days in a tiny dose, but I felt like it helped too. Now all this doesn't seem to have any influence. God thanks I can sleep fine and I'd say it calms down significantly after I have laid for a while. But very often I just don't want to wake up and start the day if I notice that already in the morning I hear this hiss quite loud in bedroom. I try to tell myself that this shall pass too, but until it does I'm tormented by the thought that maybe it won't .. and I can't live like this. I mean I can survive, but not enjoy life or project things in the future..Do you think a flight could cause it ? If so, how long does it take for the post flight spike to settle ?
I do not know if a flight can cause spikes ( i don't think so, no loud noise and no barotrauma i think if you had a barotrauma you would have known...) but being tired can. And i don't know for other people but i remember i was very tired after long flights, Maybe you have accumulated tiredness, so make exercise to occupy your mind and make LONG nights to rest. Try masking it if you want to work without thinking about T if it's possible

I understand, me too my T seems to have increased since some ear problems, not really a spike but more noticeable.
But it happened before and it settled back by itself... i even had some violent spikes at the beginning of T.
I hope it calm down so i keep myself occupied!
Hope it calm xown for you too
Yep, being tired can cause hellish spikes, however from the very first night after the flight I've been sleeping long, really long. ( Sometimes 8h 30 plus a solid nap during the day ), so unfortunately now I cannot think T is more present because of exhaustion. I sure still believe it will calm down again, but as long as I hear it over everything it's almost impossible to relax. I only don't hear it in metro/shower/bus/ school , but in the flat - all the time . At least I had awesome holidays..
5 days and it's still worse..I must the only one who got a spike after 2 hour long flight no matter all the precautions and lack of any signs of barotrauma. I just don't see what else could have caused it. The landing ( the final moment ) was harsh. The plane rather hit the ground than just sat on it. Maybe that? Could it be too loud ? I can't stop thinking about . Why, why did it had to happen ? All I wanted in this shitty life since this torture appeared was so that it doesn't get worse ( at least until I'm old and cells get rusty.) And I feel truly cursed given that I got a spike after something that even for difficult cases here seems to be something harmless. Of course, chances are it's a coincidence and it's for another reason, but I just see what it could be. No other significant noises around me. I came back to university, but I'm not stressed about it. I've spent a lot of time in different schools in life , that's nothing unusual and I'm fully zen about ( except for the fact that even there most of the time I'm thinking that my head is exploding, even though at least there I don't hear it that intrusively ). It's not as bad as it happened to be before, but before I 'd get spikes that calmed down to a very bearable level after 1 day max. I also had many very low days before holidays. I got back to myself and my life. The only change was I was constantly obsessing about loud noises around me, but globally, I was doing fine . Now it's a total setback, only when it started I could hope that in a short while it would go away. Now that it got worse instead of disappearing what can I hope for ? Absolutely no joy of life in me. Unless it calms down life will only be a nightmare..constant trying to run away from this unbearable noise. Nothing I used before calms it down. It just stuck there and stays unchanged...5 days, I still hope, but I'm even afraid to feel that - hope. Cause every day it hurts even more when I discover it doesn't get better..
I do think it will settle down. It can take a month or more to get to your baseline. Try not to obsess, although that is easier said than done. I think it'll settle back down though.
Mine spikes a lot this time, since the beginning of september, it has been horribly loud a few times and after a few days, chanfed totally and return to normal!

I have often problems with cold, sinus inflammation... and sometimes it happen without me feeling it. Maybe it's the same for you?
If it's not the case ,temporary spikes exist, like suera said.Stay calm it will return to normal, maybe not tommorow but in a few days, you should rest and focus on tv or something else
Actually, it got even worse since it's affecting my sleep again ( i've been sleeping well for months already..) I fell asleep fast but was awaken 2h later with mad noise, which calmed down only around 6 am..I fell asleep again but at 8 the same loudness came back..tv and rest is not possible now as I have to study and be at school...and I alraedy had to give up a few classes because if tiredness..I just can't believe it's happening, I truly feel cursed. If T is so common, how come I'm the only freak ever to cover my ears in loud places or wear earplug? I must cross at least two hundred people per day in public places..if not more...

I have found that taking 600mg of NAC, 10mg of Vinpocetine and a super B-complex vitamin, in the morning during breakfast helps me. At lunch, 600mg NAC, 10mg Vinpocetine again. At night, 600mg NAC, 10mg Vinpocetine, 400mg magnesium, 50mg zinc, 600mg calcium.

You are not a freak Gosia! I avoid loud noises and cover my ears, when vehicles with sirens come down the road, etc. We all have bad days with T and we are all suffering together. Hopefully, your spike will calm down and you can get back to your life again.
I took NAC daily in my second month, but after having read some articles I only took it after I thought I was exposed to sth loud ( even though objectively it shouldn't have caused any damage ,but it conforted me.) I took it for a few days before every ( 4 ) flight and after but since I'm a light smoker I don't want to risk taking it daily. I don't think my current spike has to do with noise cause I wasn't even exposed to a car horn or anything . I spend 5 days in the loudest town in Europe 10 days ago - Palermo, but even then I didn't get a spike, but I was also superprotective ( earplugs almost all the time outside - trust me, there was no other way. This people honk every second and pavements are roads and roads are pavements. Still, I was ok, only constantly freaked out.) I took NAC on the day I was flying and one day after. T seemed unchanged so I didn't continue. Only 3 days later I started to notice a raise in loudness..so I don't know if it can be anyhow connected. I took NAC still once or twice since..magnesium and some herbs. I didn't go out much last weekend ( which normally also helped calm down T ). Now nothing changes and that last night..Well, I stay positive somewhere inside though..I've been losing hair massively probably as a result of insomnia and anxiety from the first months of T..
I took NAC daily in my second month, but after having read some articles I only took it after I thought I was exposed to sth loud ( even though objectively it shouldn't have caused any damage ,but it conforted me.) I took it for a few days before every ( 4 ) flight and after but since I'm a light smoker I don't want to risk taking it daily. I don't think my current spike has to do with noise cause I wasn't even exposed to a car horn or anything . I spend 5 days in the loudest town in Europe 10 days ago - Palermo, but even then I didn't get a spike, but I was also superprotective ( earplugs almost all the time outside - trust me, there was no other way. This people honk every second and pavements are roads and roads are pavements. Still, I was ok, only constantly freaked out.) I took NAC on the day I was flying and one day after. T seemed unchanged so I didn't continue. Only 3 days later I started to notice a raise in loudness..so I don't know if it can be anyhow connected. I took NAC still once or twice since..magnesium and some herbs. I didn't go out much last weekend ( which normally also helped calm down T ). Now nothing changes and that last night..Well, I stay positive somewhere inside though..I've been losing hair massively probably as a result of insomnia and anxiety from the first months of T..
You've Been loosing hair ? Check you're blood test maybe you're defieceint in Zinc and defieceiny in that could increase t
Yes you should check your health, and if nothing js wrong maybe you should consider taking little Antidépresseurs, i've been on paroxetine for 1 year, stopped last june without problems with slow reduction, and it helped me stay positive!
What does smoking has to do with NAC?
Are you sleeping in a silent room?
You will find all the info on this forum if you serach for 'NAC', or on google. Antioxidants are strongly suspected to cause cancer and not prevent it, contrary to what was thought before. They cancel natural body's capacity to fight small cancers that we all develop without even knowing about cause a healhty organism will deal with theam on its own.Smokers have higher chances of already having some small cancers which because of antioxidants supplements will develop 3 times faster. That's what happened to mice, not sure about humans, but it's sure antioxidants reduce our natural ways offighting changes to cells.
I've been checking health long before T and meanwhile..My hair react to stress and lack of sleep no matter how good all the results may be and how many supplements I take. I've been to a GP today to check whether all is fine with ears from the outside and fortunately/unfortunately all is fine, no cerumen , no problems with tympans .. - one of the symptoms of my worse T is that they stay more in the area of ears whereas before it was rather somewhere in the head.) What's more, I caught a cold, so today it's almost unbearable. ( my nose is not stuck though ). It's worse and nothing seems to calm it down..Felt better yesterday mentally ( so positive attiutide ), I stayed home ( calm, silence ) and had a long sleep - none of that helped, I feel it's even worse ( even though it's hard to measure..)
I don't sleep in total silence - always with a very gentle music in the back - the same cd since the onset, same volume, same room, same everything ( that's also thanks to what I can state changes in T, when all around stays unchanged..) For now I don't see the future. Just stuck in the moment..
Try stay positive and if you have a cold your ears will surely play up for a few days .
Doctor your self up and try take a mucous decongestant to help keep your tubes open and lots of nice treats,long soaks in the bath and lots of fresh air lift your mood .
Plan some nice things to do in the future weeks to help positivity .....lots of love glynis
Thank you. Unfortunately nothing nice will happen the following months cause all that is foreseen is long days, every day at school, studying for exams ( I'm 32 , but I took up new studies at the university last year ). Because of this spike I already missed a lot of classes . We're having financial issues too, as if it wasn't enough of crap in my life already, and I feel bad cause I can't work even a few hours per week as I used to, to help the budget. My boyfriend just went for another concert without me - don't get me wrong, I have nothing against, but it saddens us both that we can't go together. Globally the difference it has made to my life is so vast I don't even want to think about it. I cry daily again, sth I haven't done last months. All because of this damn spike out of nowhere..
Airways clean, tinnitus still worse, on the whole. Used to calm down in silence, now it only grows in silence which means even if I fall asleep fast I'm awaken by unbearable loudness a few hours later. Tried everything I used to, staying calm, staying home ( far from any noise - used to help me ) , magnesium, NAC, vit C, vinpocetin, resting, detox baths, melissa, hydroxizine, melatonine. All for nothing.
Yep, On Friday..I thought so too, but there's nothing..Fortunately/unfortunately.. All clean, tympans pink and healthy..voila..What I realised also is that if I had any H before..I don't now. But I always thought my H was mostly mental- I was afraid of T getting worse, but now that's worse anyway, I don't give two sh*s anymore..Of course, very loud noise will make me cover ears ad run away, but noise of dishes or yelling kid ..doesn't impress me.

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