I'm in the same boat as you, mine is pretty mild, except for sleeping, when it seems like it's fairly loud. And I find myself saying if it stayed at this level forever, I could live with that. It's weird, I feel like I'm habituating well enough, even if gets a little louder from time to time. But it's still stressful.
It does seem like there's a lot of irons on the fire, and a decent number of things in the works as far as future treatments. And with so many Iraq/Afghanistan vets suffering from it, there's bound to be more research and for T to take on a bigger profile. So that's hopeful. Anyway, stay strong and be smart and all that. Seems like you've got a good attitude about the whole thing and are staying upbeat. I've come on the board a lot to keep my own spirits in a good place and I appreciate your posts.