Earplugs Too Far In — Possible?


Nov 15, 2012
Tinnitus Since

I know the ear have some sort of defense mechanism when exposed to loud noises. My question is; is it possible to insert the earplugs too deep and as of that disturb that mechanism? If I'm not mistaken it's the eardrum? I have a habit of inserting the plugs all the way, sometimes it hurts a little, hence my question.

Is it possible that my ears are super sensitive to loud noises due to me having had multiple earinfections and a burst eardrum as a child? I'm always careful but it's hard to know my limit.

Final question; are these earplugs enough protection for clubbing? I don't like that low Hz is only 22 dB.

(SNR= 28) H=30, M=24, L=22 (dB)
If putting your earplugs becomes painful, then you certainly insert them too deep. Be careful because eardrum is very delicate and can be torn. I do not know what kind of earplugs are you using, but you should insert them no deeper than when you can already notice they are working. I always use foam earplugs, I roll them thin with my fingers, insert about half of them in the ears, then just keep them in place for a moment so they can return to the original shape.
Half? Do not think that is correct to be honest. IT CAN hurt, depending on, I am just afraid I am not getting the protection I should if I dont inserting them deep. And as Im probably touching the drum sometimes and the drum is whats protecting my ear I was afraid that meant Im making that mechanism useless.
Nothing should touch your eardrum, except wax, air and water. If you think they're touching your eardrum, they're in too deep.
I do not know if they are exactly half-in when I put them. Just a part of them is sticking out so I can take them out with no problems. Please be careful with ear plugs and do not put them in too deep. DezDog is right, they should not touch the eardrum.
What is the danger of doing so? Does anyone know the answer to my main question? i.e is it the ear drum that protects the ear from excessive noise? How? Are my ears more sensitive due to what I mentioned in my OP?
I don't think it's possible to insert the ear plugs so far in that they touch the eardrum.

If you are able to grab the ear plug from your ear with your fingers, I mean.

But if you use tweezers or something to take the plugs off, then that would worry me...
Kurri, the ear drums doesn't really protect the ear from excessive noise rather more to protect the inner ear from debris and bacteria. Your sound sensitivity could also be some level of hyperacusis. There are different levels of hyperacusis from mild to severe but all make everyday sounds seem to loud. Good quality earplugs can help protect you in a loud club. You should also take regular "ear breaks" outside.
I'm kind of neurotic when it comes to my ears :D I've been more extreme in the past though. I use tweezer as I don't have nails to grab with. It must be possible to each the eardrum with a earplug? I can feel it, or at least something. I always rest my ears ESPECIALLY the night/day before a party so my ears are fully rested.

Can I damage the eardrum over time inserting the plugs too deep? I'm just afraid I won't get the dampening I should if I don't insert them perfectly and deep. Is it a must to lift the ear to straighten our the canal? For me it almost makes it harder.

I use E.A.R CLASSIC, are they OK for clubbing? They're intended for industrial enviroments. Feels as if they'
re a bit weak in the lower frequencies?
Take a picture of your ear when the ear plug is inserted. That tells a lot. If you want, censor other areas of your face except for your ear.

I mean, I don't have nails to grab with. I have very short "man nails". :D And I can grab a regular foam plug (just like the EAR Classic) with my fingers.

You are very likely putting the plugs too far in. There just is no reason to do that.

Check this: http://www.colourbox.com/image/human-ear-with-ear-plug-image-574457

I put mine just a tad bit further in, just so much that I can take the plug away with my fingers.

The plugs aren't meant to put in so far that you need tweezers :LOL:
Ear classics are good foam plugs. They give you 29db reduction which is good. Just wear those classics and take regular breaks and you'll be fine.

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