Exposed to Loud Noises Often (All Boys School with a Hectic Bunch of Friends) — Risk for Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by TomL05, Jun 18, 2020.

    1. TomL05

      TomL05 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unsure, head trauma or noise induced.
      I have had tinnitus for 5 months and I’ve just turned 16. My tinnitus was caused from either head trauma or noise induced, however unsure.

      I go to a all boys school and have quiet a hectic bunch of friends. However this means I’m exposed to loud noises around 2 times a day or more every day sadly and it often scares me quiet a bit. These range from bangs from popping bags or bang from things being dropped, to people yelling in my ear. Also I don’t want to come out about having tinnitus as I fear I’ll be looked upon differently or treated differently. in my opinion definetly louder than 85DB or somewhat around.

      Today I clapped my hands doing a fake punch for drama and being so active I have forgotten I had tinnitus and my ears seemed to ring Louder as I don’t usually hear it during the day but faintly could. I can not tell if this was my head doing this to me or was actually real.

      However I am scared I’ve ruined my chances of tinnitus disappearing or fading more as you guys always seem to only be exposed to one bang and get a major spike and I’m here living everyday with a bang next to me. Do you think I have permanently made it worse, not sure if it’s worse yet or not? It’s been on my mind and I’m always scared. I don’t want to withdrawal from life again out of fear as I am now starting I have some sort of anxiety as I now am seeing two physiologist our therapist (whatever there called) and don’t think I’ll make it if my tinnitus goes from mild to moderate

      Just adding on I really do try my best to take care of my ears, I sold my dirt bike, stopped partying and at one point with drew from hanging out with people for 2 months. I can’t change people to fit around me and I’m stuck, I don’t want to just have to leave them and be all alone, it’s not there fault
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Julien87
      Not amused

      Julien87 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure (concert)
      Well, if they yell into your ear, that would probably be a good thing if they start treating you differently. They should not inflict this to your body and you should try to prevent this. I think the best thing to do is to explain them your situation. Some of them will understand, the other ones are not worth your time, in my opinion.

      Not all of us. Please also bear in mind that on this forum, you will mostly read people who have been unlucky with tinnitus. Tinnitus can go away, but the people who recovered generally don't post about it online. Never forget that things can get better some day.

      That's great that you take care of your ears. Regarding the behaviour of the other ones, as I said above, I think you should try to sensitize them. If some of them don't care about your wellbeing, avoid them. It can also be useful to keep a pair of earplugs with you, in the case you are "stuck" in a noisy situation.
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    3. AUTHOR

      TomL05 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unsure, head trauma or noise induced.
      Thanks for the advice, I suppose everyone’s T is different and different causes have different outcomes. I suppose everything I gotta do is for the best. I mean I wish T could be a little more predictable and understandable, but it is what it is I guess :)
    4. Julien87
      Not amused

      Julien87 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure (concert)

      Right ;) And even the same causes can also lead to different outcomes.

      "I mean I wish T could be a little more predictable and understandable", ah yeah, tell me about it :)

      Have a good day ;)
    5. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      SE Asia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise trauma, hearing loss
      Hi @TomLo5

      Have you had an audiogram? You have listed noise and a head trauma as the source of your tinnitus, which is it predominately?

      Sounds like you have had physical traumas to your Inner ears, clapping your hands hurt you.
      Sorry... .for being a kill joy. You should tell friends, family, teachers about your condition and should protect the hell out of your ears. It may mean being different than so called normal teenagers. I am different than most people because of my hearing issues. It is what it is. If you want to keep your tinnitus mild or have it fade... don’t force yourself to be “normal“ and expose yourself to “normal“ acoustical thresholds if your tolerance thresholds for noise are not “normal”. Make sense? Do not let the psychiatrists your working with tell you to continue exposing your self to noise environments that hurt you. It’s unsound advice. I hope you can find a good Otolaryngologist to consult with about your hearing and head trauma.

      Take care, and big hug to you.
      • Like Like x 4
    6. AUTHOR

      TomL05 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unsure, head trauma or noise induced.
      Thanks, I habituate pretty well but a couple days ago I got a pretty bad sinus infection. The ones where your hearing gets muffled badly. My tinnitus surprising stayed average and I’m good at dealing with average.
      Have a nice day and thanks for the support :)
    7. AUTHOR

      TomL05 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unsure, head trauma or noise induced.
      Thanks for the advice, only a certain select of friends are loud and yes I have had an audio gram of my hearing and it was viewed by an ENT who said it seems all fine. I will choose to keep quiet about my condition as many people know about it but not all, will avoid those certain people though. Thanks for the advice ;)
      • Like Like x 2
    8. MBH

      MBH Member

      Upstate NY
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Overloaded stress
      This is real and you are in a busy environment. Try to shadow along, not work along. You have to step back for you to heal. It is a mental and physical game. Mentally do your homework on the activities you choose to do and physically is to watch around you. Your health is first not second in life. Tinnitus can go away or get better. But you have to get hold of what you do.
      • Agree Agree x 2
    9. AUTHOR

      TomL05 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unsure, head trauma or noise induced.
      You couldnt of said it any better :). It’s all for the best regardless of the cause and I’ll do my best to live by what you said.
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