Feeling Down — Stressed Out from School and Tinnitus Spiking as a Result

Discussion in 'Support' started by Nathan, Feb 7, 2019.

    1. Nathan
      No Mood

      Nathan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Music, Concert, Bad Luck
      I've been really stressed out lately from school, and as a result, my tinnitus has been spiking up frequently. My tinnitus often "resets" itself in the morning by turning into a low tone when I wake up. Lately, it's been accompanied by an extremely high pitched dog whistle/mosquito sound. The high pitched sound is reactive to heaters, white noise, even rain falling on the roof, and I can sometimes hear it over people talking and the TV at its worst. These spikes are making concentration more difficult when working at school and doing homework, not to mention making me feel down at times. In addition, my right ear has an annoying intermittent burning sensation and random eardrum thumping.

      Lastly, In April of last year, I took a YouTube hearing test, and could hear higher than 18 kHz bilaterally. After my acoustic trauma, I can just barely hear 18k on my left ear at normal volume, and I struggle to hear above 16 kHz on the right ear. I estimate my main tinnitus frequency to be near or above 16 kHz, and I am doubting that treatments will be effective on me due to the tinnitus pitch and weird hearing loss. I will be turning 18 in September, and I really want my tinnitus to be effectively treated by the time I get to college, as I will be entering the prime part of my life, and I want to see myself as a successful young man.
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. Jenny_S

      Jenny_S Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise Induced
      Hi @Nathan
      It sounds like you are going through a rough and stressful time at the moment but remember you are not alone. I'm sure you will have support from family and friends around you and there are members experiencing the same hearing issues as you on here who offer support and advice at any time of the day.

      In regards to your difficulties at school, can you confide in a teacher/your teachers? If they are aware of the ear and stress issues you are having, they may show some leniency with homework etc. and give you some support too. Teachers don't want you to fail.

      As you are not new to tinnitus, you'll be aware stress increases ear noise and other ear problems can appear too. As well as other health issues. But as you are having burning and thumping symptoms maybe it would be a good idea to see a professional ear doctor. It will give you some peace of mind, you can talk about treatments and they may also be able to give you advice on how to cope in terms of your stress and tinnitus.

      As easy as it is to write than believe, try not to see tinnitus as a serious limitation in your future. You will have many good days and bad days but everyone in the world has them. Also as hard as it is, don't put too much pressure and a time limit on your ear healing process...or this could add more stress. You are only human.

      Best Wishes.
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    3. AUTHOR
      No Mood

      Nathan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Music, Concert, Bad Luck
      My teachers are aware of my tinnitus, and know what i have been going through. My T was actually really low over Christmas Break, and ramped up again after the stress from school. With all the homework and other things, my T has been more unstable and more intrusive.
    4. dayma

      dayma Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi Nathan. My stress can effect my T sometimes. Personally I have hard time always seeing the correlation but I believe it's there.

      I don't have all that enlightening suggestion(s) except to try to keep your stress down. If I were you I would make time for a hobby or something to help relax you and distract you from the T.

      Another suggestion I would have is to try something like CBT/DBT or something lighter like Yoga.

      Hope you have better days ahead!

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