Feeling worn out and worried today.

Discussion in 'Support' started by sgal, Mar 14, 2014.

    1. sgal

      sgal Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ? probably hearing loss.
      Hello everyone,

      I've done a lot to reclaim my life from T in the past weeks but sometimes, it just gets the best of me and leaves me wondering if something else is wrong. I'm worn out. Before this T spiked, I was sleeping like a baby after years of fighting insomnia. I'm an older lady, I hate to admit that, but I decided last fall to try hormone replacement therapy. It worked like a dream for my insomnia. I could finally just go to bed like a normal person and go to sleep without pills at all. When I had this terrible T spike happen in January, anxiety and sleeplessness struck again for obvious reasons. Once again I can't sleep without medication. Klonopin helps the most but leaves me sleepy all through the day. I've played with the dose but can't seem to find the sweet spot where I sleep through the night but don't feel sleepy during the day. In general my energy is very low and I worry about it. Should I get a general checkup? Should I visit a psychiatrist or both? I'm also upset because I'm constantly dealing with mild ear pain and fullness but doctors don't see anything wrong. I'm worried about money too and I wish the good Lord would just take all this off my plate. I need an attitude adjustment, please help.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. DebS

      DebS Member

      Ohio, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      If you haven't had a checkup, you really should go and maybe get a blood test. You may be suffering from a deficiency (low iron, for example) which can cause your low energy. Then you could also ask your doctor about an anti-depressant to help you feel better. (I've been considering doing that myself!) Are you still working or are you retired? I'm retiring in 2 months and can't wait! I just know I'll feel better then so it gives me hope and strength to cope!
    3. AUTHOR

      sgal Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ? probably hearing loss.
      Thanks Deb. I'm semi-retired. I paint and write for money (hardly make any with that lol) I also pet sit. I'll schedule a check up. I'm not due one until June but maybe we can find out if anything is out of wack.
    4. citigirl13

      citigirl13 Member

      North Yorkshire, England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey did you know that hormonal changes can increase/cause T? Perhaps that is the reason it has increased.
    5. AUTHOR

      sgal Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ? probably hearing loss.
      Hi citigirl,

      Yes I do know that hormones can effect T. I just had my hormones checked and I'm making a change to see if that will help. My Gyn seemed so useless other than she was able to write me a new prescription. She sent me the results of my blood work and said, "if you think the hormones are causing you to have tinnitus or effecting your tinnitus, we can try going up on your estrogen levels. If not, no need to do anything." She left it up to me with little if any explanation of the lab report. I think I may need a new Gyn.

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