Floaters for 3 Months Followed by Onset of Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by shugmc, Jan 3, 2020.

    1. shugmc

      shugmc Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      stress and loud noise exposure
      Hi guys,

      Just thought I would introduce myself. My name is Michael. I'm 34.

      I was just wondering if anyone else's tinnitus specifically came this way around?

      As in woke up with significant new floaters (Sept 19), then a few months later got tinnitus (Dec 19)?

      Seems like what has happened in my experience. I've had tinnitus about 1 month.

      I know there is some sort of relationship between the two as I have seen in other threads. I have been getting a little numbness in my limbs and also tremors. (I don't have visual snow at this point). My GP is treating me for anxiety.

      Good luck to everyone in 2020.

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