G'day! After 5 Verifiable Near-Death Experiences, Tinnitus Should Be a Breeze? Ahh, Not!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by David Beck, Nov 19, 2020.

    1. David Beck

      David Beck Member

      Victoria, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hello everyone,

      I'm in Australia and have had chronic loud tinnitus for the past 2.5 years. I will describe mine to you as if you got a compressed air blower (like the small one that mechanics use on the end of an airline) and then blow that through a whistle whilst holding it up to your ear, is probably my best description.

      Yes it's bloody loud!

      That combined with the fact that I have to take myself to a point of absolute exhaustion every night, just to go to sleep probably best defines my plight best.

      Yes, a cure is required but I'm cautiously optimistic as to the outcomes of current research? There seems to be some really good guessing going on but they do not seem to be able to pinpoint an exact cause at this stage?

      My life to this point has shown me 5 verifiable near death experiences including a near drowning, broken spine, a heart attack, major motorcycle crash (at over 100kph / 60 mph) and respiratory failure in ICU as a result of an Anaphylaxis.

      Tinnitus should be a breeze! Ahhh Not!

      For me it is perpetual noise without respite other than when I do actually go to sleep, but even then I do not get the benefit from that peace? I really miss silence. Thought I would never say that!

      I'm more than happy to discuss my condition with anyone, or if you just want an ear to be heard. I'm hear! ;)

      Thank you,

      David B.
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    2. brettbolt

      brettbolt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Nov. 3, 2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi. Have you tried white noise, ocean wave sounds, or calming music to help you sleep? I find that some kind of sound helps drown out the tinnitus and help me sleep. Before I developed tinnitus two weeks ago I had a real hard time sleeping with noise of any kind.

      Also, have you been to a doctor yet? I saw an Ear, Nose, and Throat doc who offered me nothing but a hearing test and a brochure for a psychologist. Am going to try another doctor and get a more complete evaluation.

      Anyway, I have found that you can spend hours reading posts on this forum and it seems like everyone's tinnitus is different and responds to different things. I am early into my tinnitus, (compared to many here). So you may want to try some of the things that have worked for people here.

      Hoping mine will go away after quitting NSAIDs (Ibuprofen and Naproxen), which are known to cause hearing issues and tinnitus.
    3. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi there David,

      So sorry to hear this has happened to you.

      What caused your tinnitus? Do you have hyperacusis as well?

      Where in Vic are you?

    4. AUTHOR
      David Beck

      David Beck Member

      Victoria, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi Brett,

      I have also been to an ENT and the fact is it all seems to be a bit of a mystery to any doctors I have connected with? Thanks for the tips on the ambient noise relief but the thing is, it does not matter what I use the "noise" I hear is always greater than the sound trying mask it?

      Although it does sound a bit absurd, I do not feel mine is not hearing related as I have tried numerous tones, volumes / levels to effect some change but nothing seems to give me relief, that is just the fact of it I guess?? I am just about to reach out to some scientists working in this field so hopefully with them something may happen?

      Being cautiously optimistic of course!

    5. AUTHOR
      David Beck

      David Beck Member

      Victoria, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi Deb (I'm presuming?),

      Thank you for your concern.

      My tinnitus just happened, I could say that it is not hyperacusis, because the external noises I hear do not affect change on what I am actually " hearing"? Hopefully I will be working with some scientists soon and possibly get some answers. I'm in regional Vic up north, near Bendigo.

      Thanks, David.
    6. brettbolt

      brettbolt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Nov. 3, 2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      Definitely stay optimistic! Please share what you find out from the scientists working on this. Fortunately I do not have hyperacusis either.

      As for masking noise, I cannot fully mask mine either. It is so high pitched that any additional high pitch noise would add to the annoyance. Even though I still hear my super high pitched tinnitus over white noise ocean wave sounds (courtesy of YouTube), it helps me get to sleep (along with the help of Xanax :))

      Does your tinnitus change pitch or loudness when you turn your neck or tighten your jaw? Mine does. Since you mentioned those motorcycle accidents, maybe your tinnitus has something to do with that? Have you had an MRI of your head and neck? Or maybe get physical therapy if your neck hurts. I am going to try to get approved for neck work.

      Anyway, we are in this together here. Since tinnitus is very new to me I am open to trying almost anything.

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